Everytime i eat a banana, after about 30 mins i feel a mood lift. its not like a high, but it helps me be happy and i can concentrate easier. The effects last for about 2 hours and then the mood lift is gone and i find myself getting kinda depressed and wanting to eat more bananas. does this happen to anyone else?
That's what I was gonna say minus the comedic break in the words.... ......then I wondered how mine was even supposed to be funny in the first place..... ......then I cut myself....
bananas have a lot of good stuff in them, so your body should love you after you eat bananas. they have lots of good vitamins/minerals and tryptophan. my favorite food to have around for tripping
Bro, maybe you should try eating better. You sound like my friend that was amazed how good he felt when he started drinking water after only drinking soda all semester.
yea bananas are actually injected with heroine then soaked in PCP that's why. I get the same feeling.
Don't take this as dosage advice but I just ate 3 bananas and bought some bananadine. I'm mood lifted as fuck.
man it starts with bananas and moves on to things like pears, then you really get crazy and move to meat, it's a slippery slope dude. Try to just stay with the bananas, but in moderation!!!
listen guys this is serious shit I was addicted to the B for about 4 years. it's living hell. Listen kids really don't even try them once once you do it your addicted theres no stopping it and it leads to a vicious and destructive cycle. trust me it's not worth looking "cool".