i'm about to get banned

Discussion in 'General' started by h4rk4t, Oct 17, 2008.

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  1. drugs.
  2. i see no reason for a ban....

    also, you complain about underage users but i checked your recent posts, a lot have been in recreational use.....thats where ALL the underage kids chill out.... you need to enter other zones of these forums

    i find growing is filled with much more mature people.'

    • Like Like x 1
  3. Yeah peace out. LOL @ last desparate cry for attention

  4. You know it was interesting I was just searching for the official im high thread and i came upon the thread that douche asax or whatevere his name made where he is like "everybody hates me".

    I dont know why thats interesting it just is to me.

    probably cause Im high.
  5. #25 Prophet, Oct 17, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2008
    Edit: Nevermind.
  6. Lol, why do you wanna get banned so badly? Can't you deal with simply logging out? o_O
  7. Visit other forums where little kids don't hang out? Don't post where little kids hang out? Personally I think this forum is great. Sure, there are some idiots, but a lot less then most places.

    If she is, I'm going to jail for what I just did...:wave:
  8. I agree with waffle on this one...there are so many parts of the forum those little sluts wont Touch....if they are underage most of them slip up anyway..so deal with it for now if you you don't get banned just fucking leave man...not to be a dick or nothing...but I also do agree with you in away...SOMEWHAT
  9. As a Scientologist I am deeply offended by the OP. ;)
  10. So your letting the immaturity and stupidity of others affect you to the point where you leave?
    after 2 years?

    Its not new, with more members, come more bs.
    Buck up, dont bail out.

    Hope you stay.
    If not, may love and peace follow with you.
  11. is this thread STILL going?


    scientology..the religion of intolerance and offensivness..

    so damn sensitive..i would be too if i believed im an alien soul brought here by xenu
  13. Haha OMG I can't believe this thread is still here

  14. that's what I said!

  15. NO...THIS is what you said..:smoke:
  16. thanks for telling me about utah

    But adios i guess:wave:
  17. you should at least post in the cleavage thread first....
  18. Hmm, did I miss something?

    who is the OP? And why does he want to get banned?
  19. Um, request granted? And thread closed.

    I want to just throw this out there. The "I'm leaving because this forum isn't as cool as it used to be" threads are fucking weaksauce. Just leave if you want to leave so damn badly. Don't try and throw yourself a fucking pity party. How juvenile.
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