I'm a prisoner of fate

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Ska and Bake, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. Lately, i've realized that no matter how i envision my life going, it's never accurate. Things go a completely different way and I feel as if I have no influence over anything that happens to me. Whether it's girls, hanging out, or just grades, it's not how i envision it. I can't even ask out a girl that hit on me and hooked up with me because now she treats me like i don't exist. Situations where i'm going to smoke and/or chill with my friends are always pretty awesome but once again never goes how i intended it to. I feel like i'm just a prisoner to my own fate. Honestly, the only moments that I feel completely at peace is when i smoke by myself late at night and spend alot of time thinking through everything as best possible. sorry for this self-pitying rant, I just wanted to see what you good people of GC could help say to advise me. Thanks :smoke:
  2. nothing will ever go as you imagine it will, thats just a fact you have to deal with
    just try not to think your day through fully, just let things be, let things happen

    i love smoking late at night too, put music on full blast and just sit there and relax. :smoke:
  3. You need to step back and think maybe its you? Look at how you interact with people. Maybe its time for a change.
  4. you and everyone else, you think we can control how our life goes? we are all prisoners of fate!
  5. It has nothing to do with fate.

    Things NEVER go according to plan. I just had a lengthy conversation about this with a few people as a result of a job interview yesterday.

    They seem to always ask the whole.. Where do you see yourself in 5 years question?

    I have to bite my tongue not to tell them what a bullshit/loaded question that is. Of course they want you to say, working for you, moving up in the company, pursuing.. blah blah blah.

    But. I always feel like just saying. "I have no idea. I know where I'd like to be, but realistically I know it's not where I WILL be. If everything I thought 5 years ago went according to how I envisioned it, I wouldn't be sitting in this chair right now being interviewed for this position. I could be hit by a bus tomorrow, for all I know..."
  6. When do you ever?

    "I think therefore I am."

    You: I think I am a victim of fate, therefore I am.

    Me: I think I operate outside the boundaries of fate and predetermination, therefore I am.

  7. Hitler was probably pissed as well when things weren't going according to plan.

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