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I'm a first time grower with a few Questions about seeds 0.o

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by mcmunchies, Jul 29, 2012.

  1. What is the best way too germinate my seeds ?
    Where is the best place too buy high quality seeds ?
    I don't mean too sound stupid but should I buy 5 seeds expecting only 3 too germinate or should I buy 3 expecting a 100 percent success rate?
  2. Grab 2 foam plates
    Some bounty.
    Make the paper towels wet.
    Put the seeds on it, and fold the paper towel over when so all sides of the seed gets moisture.
    Put them in a warm dark place for about 2 days. A closet or cabinet works fine. has awesome seeds. I've used it, they're quick and reasonable priced. Practice on seeds you get with mids first though.

    Dont wanna spend 30-40 bucks on seeds that wont grow, right?

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