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I'm a dumbass.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. Stupidest thing to do is to smoke in the dorms, probably. If you guys could refrain from calling me a dumbass in your comments I would so appreciate it, since I already know I am a huge one. Totally learned my lesson.

    So, I'll tell you what happened. I was in my room with my friend when we decided to toke it up. We put a bag over the smoke detector, towel under the door, opened the window, grabbed some axe and we were off. Smoking lasted about 10 minutes, and then we just hung out in my room for an additional 10. We then decided to go over to my friend's room, which was probably my first mistake. Opening the door more than likely let out the smell of the smoke, weed, and tons of axe, which probably led people to be suspicious.

    So I get a call from a private number saying "This is the police, where are you?" Totally thinking it was a joke, but kinda getting freaked out since I'm pretty ripped, I just hang up without saying anything. The private number tries to call again and I just don't answer. A minute later my roommate calls me and says "You gotta get back here, if you just cooperate it's going to be fine." Obviously I'm not going to let my roommate and best friend take the rap for me, since I knew I had pipes in the room, so I had to go back.

    Soon as I get back they start searchin my shit. They find my two pipes and a baggie that used to have my weed in it. Thank God that bag was empty from just having smoked the last of it. Not sure why my roommate didn't think to take the bag down off the smoke detector before she opened the door, but unfortunately she didn't. They continued to tell me how I could be going to jail and that I needed to get my priorities straightened out.

    They ask me to come down to a private room on the first floor of my residence hall for further questioning. Ask me tons of stuff about where I buy and everything, and, since I was high, it was really hard to try to talk myself around from giving out any names. They told me how tampering with smoke detectors is an offense and that I obviously shouldn't have been doing what I was doing. In the end, because of my cooperation, they just gave me a drug parapharnelia ticket and said they would be on their way. Seeing as I've actually always been one to make the "right"decision, it was definitely the most terrifying night of my life.

    So now I have a couple questions for you guys. Seeing how they didn't give me any ticket of any form for the smoke detector, do you think they would have put it in the police report that I had a bag over it? I know that it's a huge crime to do that sort of shit, and am really worried that when I meet with my hall director she will bring it up (and possibly get my kicked out of the dorms). Another question I have for you is if you guys think I should make an appearance in court? Is there any chance of me getting my ticket reduced? (It's an ordinance by the way)

    If you guys could give me your advice it would be much appreciated. I'm still really shooken up about it because this kind of shit really doesn't usually happen to me :( Thanks in advance.
  2. your a dumbass
  3. oy.
    im sorry i can't offer legal advice, cause i just don't know.
    But, yes it was dumb of you to smoke in the dorms, even though it seems you did everything right to smoke stealthily, cept u didnt spoof. we'd smoke in the dorms all the time back in college but we had a super spoof with like 20 dryer sheets and activated carbon.
    it's too bad u got caught, sounds like the wrong person walked by at the wrong time and called the cops. good luck to ya, start searching for off campus housing.
  4. Thanks. ugh.
  5. this was expected, lol. spelled you're wrong, dumbass.
  6. except you spelt except wrong, dumbass.
  7. I would try to figure out what wisconsin's state law is on posession of marijuana, and then look at the legal advice section on:

    Marijuana Law Reform - NORML

    they have a state by state listing of state legislation.

    Now don't rely on me, but i would take it to court. if you have low penalties i would try it in court. chances are the charge will get dropped

    good luck
  8. you spelled this wrong.:D
  9. you spelled "you're" wrong first:p

    and since when is "spelt" a word?
  10. Sorry I just have to say this first...


    Ok, now I can give you some advice. ;)

    I never smoked in the dorms because everyone I knew who did (about 80%) got caught. I was a noob smoker when in the dorms too, and I was terrified of being arrested with weed. I even knew a guy who got caught with like 4 seedlings in his room.

    My first bit of advice is to not smoke in the dorms again (I think that's clear but it needs to be noted). To avoid this, I would either smoke in my car (drive around or chill), find a safe place to smoke, or find a friend with a house/apartment to smoke at. I used to roll up blunts/joints all the time because they were portable but now that I'm in my own place I mostly use my bong or pipe.

    About your legal situation, from what I've learned and experienced if they didn't write it down you're probably not going to be charged with it. You will most likely only have to deal with the paraphenalia ticket and that's it. The smoke detector stuff was just said to scare you straight most likely.

    I couldn't tell you what to do about the ticket. Most likely you will have to show up for court at least once and pay the fine, but that's all. Correct me anyone if I'm wrong.
  11. dont worry girl.

    first thing you need to do is CALM down.

    remember, marijuana offenses happen all the time, cops aren't gonna focus on the really small ones and try to lock you up.

    if you got a ticket (i assume you go to university of wisconsin?) then you're good to go, just follow the instructions/what they told you.

    Going to court to appeal it is up to you. If you think its worth it to maybe reduce the fine I say go for it, if not then just fuck it.

    You're not gonna go to court and people say "oh we made a big mistake. send her to jail instead."

    the cops were just trying to scare you into saying things and teaching you a lesson of fear, which apparently worked.

    dont worry about the plastic bag thing, nothing would ever come out of that.

    i know its cold but just smoke outside from now on. peace ;)
  12. #12 Renkluaf, Feb 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2010


    a pt. and pp. of spell

    1  /spɛl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [spel] spelled or spelt, spell⋅ing.

    are you going to give up yet? Or do I have to prove you wrong, AGAIN. ;)
  13. I may be wrong but I believe University of Wisconsin-Madison has an ordinance which decriminalizes marijuana on campus.

    hate to interfere with you trying to scare the poor girl...
  14. You're just being a little shitter :) :wave:.

    Doing anything in dorm rooms is always such a risk I stay away from it altogether. Even just drinking, my friend has been busted twice in his dorm room. FUCK CAMPUS SECURITY...they wish they were cops.
  15. you win this round....
  16. oh and also...


    a wheat, Triticum aestivum spelta, native to southern Europe and western Asia, used chiefly for livestock feed.
  17. I love this site :)

    I soooo appreciate all of your advice!! I just got a drug parapharnelia ticket, nothing to do with actually possessing marijuana, so I think I'm okay there. (Am I right in thinking that?)

  18. trying to scare her? :confused:

    Why would i do that? im just saying that the penalties are stiff.

  19. Funny thing is i was just busting your chops, but if you want to be factual....

    Main Entry: 1spell
    Pronunciation: \ˈspel\
    Function: verb
    Inflected Form(s): spelled \ˈspeld, ˈspelt\; spell·ing

    Etymology: Middle English, to mean, signify, read by spelling out letters, from Anglo-French espeleir, of Germanic origin; akin to Old English spellian to relate, spell talk
    Date: 14th century

    transitive verb 1 : to read slowly and with difficulty -often used with out
    2 : to find out by study : come to understand -often used with out <it requires some pains to spell out those decorations - F. J. Mather>
    3 a (1) : to name the letters of in order; also : to write or print the letters of in order (2) : to write or print the letters of in a particular way b : to make up (a word) <what word do these letters spell> c : write 1b <catnip is spelled as one word>
    4 : to add up to : mean <crop failure was likely to spell stark famine - Stringfellow Barr>intransitive verb : to form words with letters <teach children to spell>; also : to spell words in a certain way <spells the way he speaks>

    Spell - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

    what is your source?

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