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Im a dumbass..and this dumbass needs some outside perspective

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by xXMelkorXx, Dec 25, 2012.

  1. Ok so I had a thread about this situation a couple of weeks ago..but the short version is I've kind of been seeing two girls this past month..I know I know I'm an asshole..I can admit it about myself and I post this cause I feel bad and need to make a choice

    On one hand I have "Laura" who is a beautiful young woman who is just startin college. She is rather innocent of the world and wants to help those in need and gives without even wanting in return..she has a weakness for men on a Harley..I took her for a ride after visiting some friends at her college..we have insane chemistry and I can easily seeing myself fallin for this one..she is def old lady material

    On the other hand I have "Cherie"
    Oh Cherie is a firey and saucy blonde with a love of tattoos and has a bit of a thing for pain :)..yet she is an amazing mother to her little son..and as a dad that is an attractive quality..we have so much in common..our pasts our dreams our visions music movies sports food and oh my god we click so good in the sack..when we are together and alone it's insatiable and so fucking euphoric..she is a wild card though..she doesn't ever ever get married again and is recently divorced..she wants us to go at a steady pace.. heart is telling me to go for Cherie..she makes me feel alive but I feel like it wouldn't last..that I would have to work to keep her to staying..I've broached the subject about it..and her response was she needs time before she can be in a relationship with anyone..but she doesn't see me as a friend..that she has feelings..intense feelings for me..and doesn't want to lose me..

    This would be all fine and good or me if I was honestly trying to quit sleeping around and not being in an honest relationship..I'm looking for my one and only old lady..shit

    I think Laura would be the smart choice..she is completely into me..and I am quite taken with her..I feel safe and so pleasant with her..she loves to ride but my club and my brothers scare her to death..I'd have to hide a lot of my smoking..she doesn't want to see or know when I'm smoking so if she isn't around she doesn't care..she doesn't do well with kids and she is barely out into the world and is so damn clueless..don't get me wrong she is incredibly smart..but just clueless..

    But damn Cherie is a ride or die female..badass I the core but sweet to those she cares about..

    I'm fucking stuck between a rock and a hard place ..I'm tired of doing them wrong and want to choose one..but I am honestly so afraid of losing either of them..they both make me incredibly happy..

    Any thoughts or advice? Not about my asshole move of dating two girls..I mean not the worst thing I've done :/
  2. Everybody loves a good girl, they are just so sweet. :). However, in your situation I would pick Cherie. She seems to be more your type, and just because she doesn't want to settle down yet, that doesn't mean you can't change her mind down the road. If you two are already having great sex and have great chemistry, then that sounds like a good deal to me. The only thing I would worry about is how wild is she?

    I don't know man, you know these girls better than I do. Go with your heart.
  3. I'd go with Cherie.
  4. Really depends what you're looking for.

    If you're looking for fun & don't want a commitment then go with Cherie.
    But if you're looking for a more long-lasting, productive relationship go with Laura.

    As a side note, it's a lot easier to find someone to just fool around with than someone you can have a genuine relationship with.
  5. I'm looking for a long term relationship really...Laura wants to be together she pretty much told me
    And if I manage to tame Cherie she is a wild card after all..I'd be so happy to be with's just so risky I'm afraid if I go with Cherie is get my heart broken and lose the chance of having something great with Laura

    Damn damn damn
  6. Seems like Cherie already started a life and Laura looking to start one with you, if you know what I mean. With the kid and all, I would just let Cherie go.. Seems like you would have to go out your way to break down that wall she has up. In the long run you might be upset with yourself for choosing Cherie just because of the sex.

    If Laura has her head on right, I would def go with her.

    And why did Cherie get divorced in the first place? if you don't mind me asking
  7. [quote name='"mikeKOOLiN"']Seems like Cherie already started a life and Laura looking to start one with you, if you know what I mean. With the kid and all, I would just let Cherie go.. Seems like you would have to go out your way to break down that wall she has up. In the long run you might be upset with yourself for choosing Cherie just because of the sex.

    If Laura has her head on right, I would def go with her.

    And why did Cherie get divorced in the first place? if you don't mind me asking[/quote]

    Her ex was a crappy husband and a crappy father..he cheated and was never around to help with their kid..and I dont mind that she has a child..I do as well..and it wouldn't be just sex with her..we connect on an emotional level and an intellectual one as well..

    And yeah Laura does have her head on right..she is slightly still immature emotionally..easy to hurt her feelings even if I don't mean too..
  8. Laura is very young. If she's just starting college and learning things about herself, her interest in you will likely fade. It sounds like you relate with Cherie on a deeper level and can have something of value if you work at it. All relationships need work, can't beat around that bush. Are you looking for your "one & only" or do you want to have your cake & eat it too?

  9. Damn.. I would probably pick Cherie then. I myself would hate to have to teach or get used to an attitude of an emotionally immature female. Seems like Cherie is grown independent woman. Don't lose her bro
  10. I was gonna say laura untill I say you had a kid go with cherie
  11. Fuck them both until the train wrecks. It's going to suck at the end but it's going to be one fun pussy filled ride on the way there.
  12. Just chill with both the answer will come when its right.
  13. called a threesome homie
  14. threesome and then go for cherie
  15. Sounds like to me you already chose but are afraid of the outcome. I know it's cheesy but you have to take a chance on the one you truly want and forget about the other. Every love story ever made was about someone taking a chance, a leap of faith that it will work out. Go with Cherie and forget about the other girl , your heart has made up its mind as my mom would say!
  16. Cherie my good man. Laura sounds nice and all but emotionally immature females are a tough deal. Since she seems 'clueless' as you put it I'd say she would be scared by your club, more than Cherie definitely.
  17. go with Cherie.

    Laura may have told you she wants to be together long term, but she's young, and that is likely to change. Cherie dosen't want to get married now, but you don't have to marry someone to be together (and there's always a chance she'll change her mind). I think you and cherie connect more meaningfully, and I think you'd be happier with her.

    You yourself said you were leaning towards her.
  18. [quote name='"Zera"']go with Cherie.

    Laura may have told you she wants to be together long term, but she's young, and that is likely to change. Cherie dosen't want to get married now, but you don't have to marry someone to be together (and there's always a chance she'll change her mind). I think you and cherie connect more meaningfully, and I think you'd be happier with her.

    You yourself said you were leaning towards her.[/quote]

    All that is very true..however I can't find myself to dump Laura :/..I can speed on my panhead at 110 mph on the highway..break a mans jaw..carry drugs across state lines..slap a cop in the face..but damn I can't seem to do anything about it..
    Call it cowardice..I call it uncertainty of my future
  19. #20 xpixiex, Dec 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 26, 2012
    Is this you?


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