Hey ya'll. Don't know if any ya'll remember me.. but I'M A DAD!!!!!! I got some hella nice nugs to smoke too! 7 lbs. 8 oz's. Ethan James! I love this feeling! I'm on top of the world!!! I know it has nothing to do with weed.. hahaha
Congrats man! Did anyone else first read this and think that "7 lbs 8 oz's" was the amount of weed he had? Hahaha took me a minute to get that.
WOW! That is a great accomplishment, just think of all the years you have ahead of you to enjoy with a son. Have a good one, I will smoke a bowl for you the next time I decide to spark up. +rep on the beautiful child and your determination to become a father.
congrats man. rep for a beautiful baby. just remember when the time is right poyp (pass on your piece) and let him smoke when he is of proper age... whenever that is to you
Congratulations, dad. I am a grandfather, and I will say this... Get ready to rumble. Be elated for now, the work is just beginning. Raise him on the truth, not on high fructose lies. Show him that his limits are above the bluest skies. Watch him, and protect him, but don't try to live his life Hopefully, someday, he'll have his own son and a wife. Feed him well, and love him well, and show him all that's green This world is full of wonders, to be heard and felt and seen His life is just beginning now, but will go by in an instant So teach him how to live each day with love that is a constant.
Oh thank god you gave him a nice, normal name. It seems a lot of people are going around and giving their children horrible names that will get them picked on all throughout elementary school. I feel bad for the kid when the parents do that. and seriously, little Ethan really is rocking the shit out of that headband.