Alright so I'm 18 right now and about to start community college. My classes are being paid for by the government. As you may already guess, i am a regular weed smoker and smoke everyday. The thing is my parents (esp. my dad) are not cool with it at all and if i get caught up with it, i think this time my dad might actually kick me out. He also GETS ON MY FUCCIN NERVES asking me a shit load of questions every time i get home, hes on my ass about getting a job (which i know i need to do) and i really cannot stand living in this house anymore because all we do is argue and he thinks weed is really bad and will fuck my life up or whatever. I dont really get it because he used to be a straight up alcoholic and did ALOT worse things than me when he was my age and older... Seeing that it's a real possibility that i might get kicked out soon, i was wondering what i can do to move out pretty soon. Also i live in the bay area in California so its not the cheapest to live out here. Any help will be appreciated. KEEP It LIT!
So what are your bills right now? Is the government paying for everything? And will you be able to work a 40 hour a week job? Alot of people dont realize how much it cost to live on your own, get into a 1 year lease and then realize they dont have the money for it, even with a roommate. Roommates can be just as annoying as your dad also even if you are good friends w/ him/her. I would expect to spend about 1000 a month on bills/expenses very easily could be more though
not to be a downer but you're going to have trouble moving out... unless you're in a college town most places will require you to make like 3x your monthly rent or else they wont sign a lease with you. even then, rent is gonna be crazy high if you're anywhere near your classes. cable, internet and electricity will be a pretty penny too
FWIW: You will never have it so good as you do right now living at home. You probably think that's BS, but someday you will see it differently. Also, your dad is probably ragging on you cuz he doesn't want to see you make the same mistakes he did. I think ALL dads are like that. If he didn't give a shit about you, he wouldn't rag on you.
Also could you just live in a dorm if you want to get out so bad? That would be much easier in your position, especially if the government is helping you pay already. But like others already said its more expensive than you think. I moved out when I was a dumb 18 year old just like you doing anything to get out of the house haha. I starting flipping some bud once I moved out and realized how expensive shit was. That defiantly helped w/ some extra cash.
[quote name='"Magical Ass"']Stop spending money on weed if its affecting your very survival.[/quote] This. Stop buying bags, save your money, get a job, work on moving out, maybe your father will see that you're becoming mature. And will probably help you. I don't know.
Agreed son. What I wouldn't give to be 18, no job, and being supported by my parents. And getting a free education to boot? Man, that's the life. The real world will kick your ass. Especially at 18. It's kickin mine and I'm almost 10 years older than you are. Get the most out of your education, that way you can get a great paying job, and move out. I don't care how much you argue with your dad. He seems to care about you even if he's wrong about weed ruining your life. At least he doesn't want you to ruin your life which seems to me he cares about you. There's no landlord who will sign a lease with an 18 year old who has no job and no credit.
yea i feel parents that were real into drugs and alcohol always try and steer their kids away from anything illegal they dont want you too see you follow the same path though we all know pot isnt going to hurt you. keep it at that. oh and get a job save up for awhile then find something affordable. good luck blade!
No chit, I think about those days often. I would get up on Saturday mornings, gobble down the breakfast Mom had waiting for me, put on clean clothes that Mom washed for me, then go outside and polish my brand-new '68 Camaro. That night I might take my girl to a drive-in, drink beer and mess around with her. Or sometimes a gang of us would go to the drag races on Saturday nights, taking coolers full of beer of course, and when it was over we'd be drunk as hell and race back to the local bar. Cops didn't give a shit back then. Not a fucking care in the world, although I didn't realize it. My parents have been gone for years and I miss them. Those were the days! [ame=""]Mary Hopkin - Those were the days - YouTube[/ame]
Thanks everybody for the input. I will have to seriously think things through and decide on what to do. I'm probably going to just put up with my dad for now until i save a decent amount of money. And yeah its gonna suck when i move out cuz of bills and other shit but thats my decision, maybe i would think differently if my dad just accepted me for who i am ( a pothead). I think i need to talk to him more about that..tanks again guys
It's so weird that for me its been a year n a half since I was you.. Very interesting to look from the outside.. Living on your own IS SIGNIFICANTLY harder than hiding from your dad for a couple more years.
Don't call yourself a pothead thats insulting Im from the bay as well. Its too expensive here to live on your own. And if you really really want to your going to have to get a job and work your ass off. My buddy was in a similar situation. His parents were against weed. Wanted out. But its just too tough. Do well in your classes and show your dad that smoking trees doesn't effect you or make you lazy or dumb or whatever his reason is to be against it. Prove him wrong. A job might help too depending on how many classes your taking. Also what part of the bay you from? If you don't mind me asking
Lol pothead and proud! Yeah im planning to get a part time (20-35hrs) job even though im taking 5 classes. And thanks, sounds like a good idea to do really good in school to prove him wrong, i think that is the only way he will finally see that the herb is not to blame. I'm from newark.