Illegally searched, friend almost busted

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by DeadRowers, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. I'm a senior in high school, just finishing out the last year before I go to college. I've never had any encounters with the school administration throughout my 4 years, and I always knew that if I did, I could handle it and not get in trouble.

    So I'm in my basic English 12 class, mind you I took AP Calculus, AP US Government, AP Comparative Government, AP US History, and AP Music Theory, I just decided to take basic English because I needed a break in my last semester before college. So anyways, my friends and I were working on a group project, just slacking off browsing the internet on the classroom computers. Our teacher had been in and out of the room, because he let a few groups work out in the hall.

    Well next thing I know he's announcing that this one girl lost her phone, and if anyone had it or had seen it. Well nobody did and the teacher called security. At this point my friend is freaking out because he brought his vaporizer to school. Yes he's a dumbass and I've told him multiple times that he's gonna get caught if he brings it to school. Well he pulled a fast one and stuffed it behind a bookshelf before security came.

    One of the vice principals came in and started talking to the class trying to figure out what happened to the girl's phone. Well obviously nobody fessed up, and the vice principal started to get annoyed. Before security came, the teacher's aide in my class called the missing phone, and then someone picked up. She told this to the vice principal, and she decided that the phone had to be in the classroom, and thus she needed to search every backpack.

    Well obviously I was not going to let this happen, even though I had nothing illegal in my backpack. When they got to me, I told them they didn't have the reasonable suspicion required of a school official to search a student's property. Well she claimed she did because she knew the phone was in the classroom. I didn't feel like fighting, so I just opened my backpack up so they could peek in, and yeah, obviously they found nothing.

    Well at this point the administration started to get finicky; they searched everyone's backpacks and found nothing. Then they started to look around the classroom to see if someone had stashed it somewhere. Well as soon as they found the vape they got pissed. They made everyone write down what they saw happen the whole class, and finally dismissed us.

    I got called down twice to be interrogated, and I could tell they thought it was my vape. I have a few dreads, wear stonerish clothes, and openly support marijuana in school. This is the reason why I never bring anything illegal to school, because of my personal appearance. I defended my rights both times I was questioned, and they could obviously tell that I am very intelligent, and was not going to fess up any info that I knew.

    After all but the junior vice principal left, we chatted for a few minutes while the rest of the administration was off doing something. This guy was really cool. I was telling him all about the facts about cannabis and how it should be legal. He asked if I smoked outside of school. I told him only occasionally, because it's illegal in America, and I don't want to jeopardize my future given all the hard work I've put into high school (National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, etc). He said that I was a really smart kid and reminded him of a college friend to smoked all day and got straight A's. I also talked to him about how I am a huge proponent of defending your civil liberties, and told him some stuff HE didn't even know.

    So this was on Monday, and now it's Wednesday and I haven't been questioned again. I covered for my friend, telling the administration that as far as I knew, it was neither him nor another one of my friends. They said alright and thanks, and nobody has been questioned since. I think they figured that someone left the vape there from a previous semester and that it would be impossible to figure out whose it was.

    Anyways, hope you guys liked the read!

    Lazy Readers:
    -Friend brought vape to school
    -girls phone got stolen in class
    -friend put vape behind bookshelf
    -class got searched, they found vape
    -I was questioned, and acquitted
    -none of my friends got questioned
  2. A job well done.

    I'd say that bringing a vape to school is a bad call, but my friend and I used to bring a bag of bongs and other shit to school every day. We'd be in Photography + Yearbook and go out to "get some footage" for our teacher. He trusted us 'cause we were good students. Then we'd come back high. LOL.
  3. Damn too bad about your friends vape, I would have been quite pissed off
  4. Your friend bringing a vape/any piece to school is just asking for it. In public school, one should never assume that the content of one's backpack will remain private.

    If you didn't have anything in your backpack at the time why did you initially refuse to let them look through it? Makes finding this girl's phone easier and seems like the right thing to do.
  5. #5 DeadRowers, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2010
    Yeah he was pretty pissed at the girl for being so irresponsible. The same girl had her phone stolen in school before. Not that this is meant to define people by their race, but my class was more than half black, and the other plurality was low income white kids, you would think that the girl would have been just a little more responsible in her actions.

    Anyways it was one of those portable butane vapes, so it wasn't a huge loss. My friend still has his plug-in.

    Because every American has the right to avoid unreasonable and unwarranted search and seizure. I didn't want a random person looking through my personal belongings. And I didn't have the phone, so how would that make it easier to find? They never even found it in the end, so 24 students rights were violated for no reason.
  6. u guys were vaporizing in the back of the classroom?? thats hardcore.
  7. ^Naw he just had it with him haha.
  8. This is exactly why I posted. Nothing about this seems unreasonable. It was suspected someone in the classroom had the phone. You are in a public school. It makes it easier to find because it takes you off the list of potentials. In the end I think I just look at it as courteousy to the girl, and I would have seen it as a service to her rather than a violation of my rights.

    And I'm not going to argue any further on this since it is such a biased topic in a weed forum.
  9. damn you guys cant leave for lunch or was this kid just stupid?

    i used to smoke like 5 bong loads or 3 joints and take like 4 shots almost every day at lunch
  10. Well I am going to continue to debate.

    First off, they never even found the phone. Everyone was searched and nothing turned up, as expected. The vice principal gave every student the opportunity to return it without punishment, and nobody did, because nobody had it.

    Secondly, as I stated, the girl was being irresponsible. Don't tell me you would just leave your phone or any other personal item of value in open sight for somebody to take. If they teach seniors in high school that even though you were irresponsible with your belongings, somebody will always be there to find it for you, then these people will never learn to be responsible for themselves.

    Finally, yes it was an unreasonable search. There was no outstanding evidence to suggest the phone was in the classroom. The door to the room was open, the teacher was not in there at all times, and students from other classes had come in periodically. It is NOT reasonable to search a group of people based on a suspicion, and were I searched and prosecuted I would surely appeal, and most likely have it overturned.

    The Supreme court has ruled multiple times that students in schools are subject to less rights than others. But they haven't ruled that a group of students be searched based solely on a hunch.

    According to the school system's Student Discipline Guide on the subject of search and seizure, "School officials may search student's personal belongings as long as there is a reasonable suspicion that a student posses an item that violates the law, school policies, or may cause immediate harm to another student or faculty member." This is important because it allows searches of an individual student suspected, not a whole group suspected. This is what makes the search illegal and a violation of student rights.
  11. a H.S senior too and now my rights very well. I also am pretty sure that school official are in fact allowed to "illegaly" search you if u are in school. I know this because it was actually a supreme court case that ruled in favor of schools being able to do this. I cant remember what case it is but ill look it up. If anyone else knows it plz post it. It is fucked up they think because we are in school they can do what ever they want to us. Also kinda off topic a little but hs security guards are jokes theyre so useless and think they are police officers. The ones at my school think they are the shit and have special codes when they talk to eachother especially on their walkie talkies lol. They also think theyre badass when they give u parking tickets..
  12. It was some case about some girl in hs that was smoking a ciggerette in the school bathroom so they took her stuff without permission and found some other contraband, idk what it was but they took it to court saying it was a violation of the forth admendment im gonna look up what case it was
  13. If you are in HS, you have no rights on school property as a student. <-- notice the period?:smoking:
  14. #14 badfish101, Mar 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 3, 2010

    Yea like i said its fucked up but true. They try to teach us a bunch of stuff but dont even let us apply it
  15. Dear Everyone on this thread,

    Some schools have different rulings on constitutional rights due to location, statutory laws etc.

    I remember in my school you didn't have the fourth amendment or the second and others. They were very limited.

    Just in case you didn't know, the fourth amendment is the right to refrain from search and seizure of property and Second is the right to bear arms.

    Deadower is most likely better educated on the subjects involving his schools' laws and also the laws' in his home area.
  16. sorry, i don't care where you live in the country, if its a public school - they can search you whenever they please. this includes any of your property that is on school grounds (backpack, locker, car).

    constitutional rights go out the door when you walk onto school property.

    im not saying its right, but even if you did have something on you and got busted, theres not a court in the country that would see anything wrong with their search, regardless of your constitutional rights. sad but true
  17. What I mean is that some schools somehow get away with not following our constitutional rights. I don't know how, I'm not that well educated on this topic, just the basics.

    Also, funny story...

    As I mentioned my school doesn't allow the Fourth Amendment, meaning they can search anyone no matter what they say as long as they are on school grounds. Well, my buddy had driven to school one day and parked in the school parking lot (school grounds) and we were in ACS Chemistry with a clear view to the parking lot. (A little back story is that there had been several drug busts at our school in the past few weeks, so I'm sure some narced on others etc.) and we see a Local Sheriff/ K9 car kind of lurking the paarking lot and on a few cars I had recognized (from deals) he would get out and go through the car, sometimes with bags in hand sometimes with out and he would radio in. And he was heading in the direction of my buddy's car (going Left to Right) and my buddy was a known dealer at the time. So, we are both seeing this I look over across the back row of desks in the classroom and see his face, it was soooooooo tweaked. And he like became some sort of genius for about 20 minutes. He faked an asthma attack (he had semi bad asthma) and he had to go to the school nurse to get his prescription meds he booked it out real fast and in like what seemed like seconds I saw him sprinting out to the parking lot and like leap into his car. Literally. And he like peeled out but not so suspiciously and parked across the street in some neighborhoods. I guess the cop didn't see him.
  18. Why does he think its a cool idea to bring a vape to school? Makes no sense its not like he's using while hes IN school. I dont know highschool kids have gotten a lot more bold than when I used to run around highschool. When I was in highschool people called you a dumb ass if you brought a lighter, or some joint papers into school. Now you got kids with vapes! Tell that bitch shes stupid for not keeping up with her own phone.
  19. when you are in high school you have no rights really, when your parents sign that line each year it gives the school full rights over you while you are on school grounds. why do you think you have to register and all this stupid shit each year.

    it is also a huge reason why i parked in the parking lot OFF school property all year my senior year when i was smoking.

    they would run drug dogs through the school, the parking lot and everything. when the drug dogs came in they would make us all put our heads down on the desk and run the dogs through each class room, then the lockers, then the parking lots.
  20. i dont get it, they called the phone and someone picked up...they must have seen nobody in the class answer the phone? wtf

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