
Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Illladelph, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. I'm a guy im planning on getting nice illadelph soon a pink tube with a blue label and inline bubbler ...would that make me look gay because its pink? and do you think $200 is reasonable for that ?

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  2. It'll only look gay if your boyfriend grabs your ass while you're hitting it.

    Just jesting. I really like rose glass myself. If you can get it all for $200 that'd be nice.

  3. Haha yeah man its gonna be my first piece kinda a noob but you have to start somewhere lol does a inline bubbler work as a ashcatcher?
  4. 200 for the whole set up?? i would swoop that up thats a steal for 200:smoke:
  5. Some people may disagree but an inline is an ash catcher more or less, the important thing is keeping your resin buildup confined to a smaller and easier to clean space, saves money on ISO too. With any sort of precooler your resin buildup will be confined to the areas where water is residing, rather than the whole tube.
  6. Does it make me gay I like Pink, and P!nk ?
    No it does not.

    Does it make me gay I stand up for gay peoples rights because they are people too (no I do not stand up as passionately as some, but I give them a chance)?
    No it does not.

    I'm as straight as a guy that dates girls dude.
    So no, and who cares if someone calls you gay. You are happy with your pink bong :D

    Or your a fucking troll!
  7. i have nothing wrong with gay people and i like the color pink but i dont want people to call me a faggot ...well after hitting that thing a few time i dont think ill care to much...
  8. Don't give two fucks about nothin'.:smoke:
  9. yeah if they disrespect the illadelph they dont get to smoke lol

  10. Who cares dude. Chick like guys who dont care about that shit, and also dont put down gay people :D
  11. i wasnt trying to put down gay people i just dont want people calling me that.
  12. didn't say you were.
    I mean chicks like guys who don't put down gay people.
    At least lots do.

    Who cares what someone calls you.
  13. that is true ..i dont even know why i would care ...its a bomb ass bong that hits like a champ who cares if someone calls me gay
  14. atta boy !!!

    Now we're getting somewhere :smoke:
  15. ya i mean it's not exactly a manly color but if my friend had it would i think he was gay of course not ... if it's a good bong i don't think anyone is gonna care
  16. 200 is a super good deal for that.. id put that set up at 450-500 from illadelph prices iv ever seen

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