Illadelph OR Weed

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Tma339, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. my wife gave me 250$ that i can spend on anything and i broke my bong the other day so i went to the smoke shop i saw a nice pink glass blue label illadelph with inline bubbler for like 200$ ...or i can buy a shitload of weed orshould i get illadelph and spend rest on weed
  2. Dam a illy with a bubbler for 2 bills I say get that and a 1/8 of bud that's a great price for a illy
  3. If you found a legit illadelph for $200 buy it
  4. 2 and a half ounces of mids and a gas station bong.

    Same thing am I right or am I right?

  5. im pretty sure its a legit one because i went to the website and i went to retailers and the store i found it at was listed on the illadelph website
  6. You're wrong. Quality plays a big roll in choosing a bong. Also no gas station bong will have glass on glass joints or an inline bubbler, which makes the bong preform better, therefore giving you a smoother more pleasant hit.

    Really tired of people trying to compare shitty soft glass bongs to a glass on glass bong that was handblown and annealed for quality.

    Both bongs do the same thing, draw smoke out of a bowl through water, but the illedelph has a $200 price tag for a reason. Also that's a very good price for an illedelph straight, let alone with a a/c in a headshop.


    Yeah man I would get that for SURE. It's probably marked down because it's pink glass. I'd jump on it.
  7. would the inline bubler work as a ashcatcher?

  8. That gas station bong is gonna make the weed taste like shit, well actually it would already taste like shit cause its mids lol. Def scoop that ILLY up for that price. MAKE SURE ITS LEGIT>:hello:
  9. im pretty sure its legit ... i mean the place im buying it at is listed on the illadelph website soo im sure it is real
  10. i would definitely NOT get the bong... its fucking pink bro, there are plenty of nice bongs out there for around $200

    an ashcatcher is a bubbler

  11. Dude who cares if its pink i think it looks beter that way's a sick bong that prolly rips like a champ it's a illadelph man

  12. ... its pink. who cares. itll be brown soon.

    also, an ashcatcher CAN be a bubbler, but all bubblers are not ashcatchers. yaknow like the ones with mouthpieces instead of joints.
    whether its a bubbler or an a/c, fake or real illadelph, thats a good deal for 200$. up to you, if you already have equipment to use and want to use it more often, or if you want to set yourself up to have a better smoking experience at the cost of not smoking as much as you could have. your choice.

  13. lol its fucking pink, do you have a pussy or a dick? most bongs will "rip like a champ" it wont be because its illadelph
  14. Dude god of 420 I finally meet someone else that likes sayitainttone haha reaping Michigan as well.

  15. ive got a dick and i like the color pink. problem? its a better version of red.

  16. It's pink big fucking deal.It's not like you'll hit the bong and turn into a fruit.

    Real men rip pink bongs.:D

    Op post pics of this 200 dollar illadelph.
  17. illa.jpeg there it is that an ashcatcher or bubbler... and the label is blue this was just taken on a shittty camera phone
  18. id cop the delph, with a delph you will conserve your weed so well. its like a grav bong man, its just like a grav bong.

    cali packs all dayyyy

  19. Dude you need to snatch that shit up.How the hell are you getting a illadelph and illadelph ashcatcher for 200?

  20. Lol wut

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