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Il dank

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by joedubs, Oct 7, 2010.

  1. snagged this bud. my guy said it was called big daddy kush. never heard of it. but it's looks smells and smokes like a kush. i have been smoking some OK dank lately, and this bud has me blown :smoke::smoke::smoke:




    let me know what ya think
  2. very nice quality nugs you got yourself:smoke:

  3. thanks sir. time for a bong

  4. That is some great bud, and what better way to use it than in a bong :D:smoke:
  5. haha no doubt im feelin lit right now yeeeaaaa
  6. look great, what part of IL are you from if you don't mind me asking?

  7. thanks.. north suburbs, close to the WI border
  8. oh that's cool, i'm in Kankakee a little close to chicago.
  9. Im in Joliet, got nice buds there man, over here we got some dank too

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