Iguana juice

Discussion in 'Coco Coir' started by jimmy1life, Aug 4, 2012.

  1. Hey fella's ive been kinda intrested in organic base nutes for awhile. I have plenty GMB and lots others. Just none are organic no complaints just looking for maybe a better end product.
    I have sensi cal already big bud bud blood bud candy humic fulvic do you guys kno how iguana juice performs with growing in coco i dont even mind still using synthetics.
    So anyone out there with a little info did it work or was there lots of problems. Peace guys keep it real.
  2. Before any one says botanicare ive had 4 bottles of cns17 2 grows 2 blooms niether mixed all foursink right rite too the bottom of my 2.5gal jug didnt disolve. So i havent wanted to try pure blend pro. Allthough it probally is my best bet if nobodys having good success with iguana juice. Plus iguana juice has been upgraded ive read anyways
  3. Before any one says botanicare ive had 4 bottles of cns17 2 grows 2 blooms niether mixed all foursink right rite too the bottom of my 2.5gal jug didnt disolve. So i havent wanted to try pure blend pro. Allthough it probally is my best bet if nobodys having good success with iguana juice. Plus iguana juice has been upgraded ive read anyways.
  4. That's interesting about cns17 not dissolving. I had the same issue, looked like snow flakes, and started mixing in a quart jar with warm water and shaking good first before adding to the res. I would also suggest shaking the bottles up before using. I can't remember how long I used it before noticing that but, never had any ill effects.
    Have never used those other products you mention but, cns17 worked good for me....
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  5. CNS17 Bloom does the same for me as well. No I'll effects. I use a stir stick and mix well then drop in a couple of airstones and turn on the pump, let it agitate about 10 minutes.
  6. I now use Igauna Juice. It mixes well, performs great. It can even be used in drip systems.
  7. Alrighty guys good to here greenman.With the cns17 i shook the hell out of it i gave it a try it seemed to work but i didnt even stick with it for a week.I would take sryinge to drow up cns17 it was white thickish liquid it would shoot out like a lil worm or something in the bottom of my jug lol. maybe my well water maybe bad storage of nutes idk. But i didnt use actually gave um way and told da ladies mix with hot water. Ime using GMB ph perfect on one of my girls and floraduo on another.
    Ive tried the go box with lots of problems even mites it didnt work out all my plants seem yellow but it was super tasty smoke guys. Thats why im interested in a good organic base nute.Plus it blew my wife out the house when mixing. maybe just flush longer.
  8. #8 colafarmer, Aug 4, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2012
    A good organic grow is in the soil and will come from blending a good medium with good amendments and using only organic food sources.
    Mediums with humus from compost will control your ph and the microbes in the soil will attach to the roots and their excretion will feed the plant. If done proper you can sell the ph pen...;)
    Using any chemical fertilizers will defeat the purpose of organic growing and usually the process to make a liquid organic fertilizer uses chemicals of some nature.

    I have seen some grows with GO and was not that impressed, not to say it is not a good ferlizer but, you can do much better(cheaper)by amending a good medium and a water only grow with an occasional AACT for microbial activity.....
    If you use the GO I would bubble the mix for 24 hours and feed within 4 hours. This will awaken the microbes so they can do their job.....;)
  9. I See iguana juice must not be very good nobody uses it. I just figured its made by advanced nutrients and for mmj. But i never see any herb that it was used on.
    Ive had good results with GMB by AN but idk know if i will buy any more AN products. If i did itd be that mother tea stuff heard its pretty deceint peace guys.
  10. I don't think it's because their not any good. It's more of an issue with their pricing and marketing with some growers. AN dose not sell magic in a bottle and other company's seem to sell basically the same ingredients for less...
    I think their base nutes are fine and maybe a little hyped up pricing on the rest. Never heard of anyone having a bad grow with AN and a lot of growers are sold on AN products.
    You have to be the judge at the end of the day. If your comfortable with their product line, by all means go for it....
  11. Well the website says it has everything then some lol. im thinking organics bro but i like coco. so id like to use alil organic stuff but still dont mind nutes. All in all less salts cleaner smoke right. Or maybe use worm castings and guano teas plus a light ppm base nute idk im exprimenting man.

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