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Ignorance is Bliss

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by TheCareGiver, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. For all the people that don't know about marijuana, and the truths and for all those that think they know that still deny it, do you think they will ever be convinced? besides all the political BS that goes along with it, would one really deny all of its uses?? Or is it all based on politics to those people?:confused: I just have a hard time understanding why someone would deny it as anything less then what it truly is other than sheer ignorance? :( Like do people just, reallly dont get it? I don't care if you dont want to smoke it, run it in your car! wear it on your back, feed your vegan family... I dont know I just have a hard time thinking that if people were to know the truths, they would still disregard it.
  2. We can only hope that in future generations, weed will become much more socially acceptable and viable. As you said, there is so much political bullshit that comprises it, and completely negates all of it's positive aspects. There is a vast amount of pressure on figures of high authority to ensure that weed is kept at it's current state - illegal.

    It's a damn shame because it means that the vast majority of people will never know it's true values and benefits. Alot of people die without having gotten high man! how fucked up is that shit? lol - a crying shame :(

    The majority of people label the plant as a "drug" and so dismiss anything you have to say about it after you announce it.

    Let's just hope shit changes.
  3. Dude I said the same thing to my long time friend (who happens to be a girl) just the other day. "Ignorance is bliss". Why? Because for the last year I've been trying to convince her to try it with me. She is so brainwashed by all the bullshit they teach us in high school about drugs that she wont even be in the same room with me when I'm high. Isn't that fucked up?

    You know what else is funny? She cant even tell that I'm high unless I tell her, and even then she thinks its a life destroying, addicting, evil, drug.

    I really just want to bust some heads.
  4. Lol, we've been hoping for generations, we've asked, and now we are doing something about it. We're growing it! And how many of hundreds of thousands of non-violent 'criminals' in prison so they can flex their muscles? Thats just a joke, How has it gone on for so loonng!?? I dont know, I just always find myself, like in awe at a situation like this, it has to be one of the biggest "cover-ups" in plain sight. Admit your mistake uncle sam!

    My head is just all over the place when it comes down to thinking about it all... I hate the mis-info rep. it has it just... i dont know lol its just a matter of common sense if you ask me.
  5. dannng yeah see!! lol why the frick is that?? wake up and smell the roses friends! i just dont understand. I mean i guess growing up and thats all you were taught, but face the facts and atleast be open minded. Thanks guys for the input too, keep em comin.

  6. I know the feeling. Show her The Union, and see what she thinks then, it convinced one of my mostly straightedge friends to the benefits of the herb, maybe it can help your situation too. The Union
  7. damn that sucks dude, blazing it up with a girlfriend would be fucking sweet. I've heard weeds makes quite a few people horny, could work on your girl :p Keep trying!

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