
Discussion in 'General' started by ZzGalaxyzZ, Dec 25, 2007.

  1. Yesterday the temperature was 0 degrees and the weather report said today was going to be twice as cold, what would the temperature be? :smoke:
  2. 2 x 0 = 0?

    But hmm
  3. lol, thats a tough one.......
  4. lol, Yeah I know. I was getting high with my friend and after smoking for about a hour he asked me this question. I don't think there is an answer but I stayed there forever trying to think of one haha
  5. -32 lol it could be anything really
  6. basically the wetherman is a fucking idiot, upon further considerations

  7. haha:D
  8. the irony is delicious
  9. assuming this is farenheit, using 32* as a point, i'd have to say -32*.
    but celcuis..
  10. Actuallly this is a legitimate math problem, it was on one of my physics tests (basic physics at that...) First you need to know if its is celsius or fahrenheit, then all you need to do is convert it to kelvin, multiply it by 2, then convert it back to whatever it was in the first place! so if it was originally 0 deg C then the answer would be 273.15 deg C. If it was originally fahrenheit the answer would be 459.66 deg F.
  11. 0 0 it's magic!
  12. cold is relative, it doesnt necessarily have a direct connection with temperature.

    So really he is saying, 'the temperature today makes you feel like 3 / 10 on a coldness scale, tomorrow you will feel like a 1.5 / 10' ; 10 is very hot

    for example:
    if the temperature was 10 degrees youd still be very cold (lets say you are still a 3 / 10 on your cold scale) and he says tomorrow it will be twice as hot. that is not saying it will be 20 degrees out tomorrow, that is saying you will feel a 6 / 10 on the cold scale.
  13. hmm

    0c is 273 kelvin (to the nearest integer, its actually 273.15 but ill drop the .15 to make it a bit easier)

    twice as cold means half the temperature im assuming (cba getting into semantics :p)

    so that makes the new temperature 136.5 kelvin which is -136.5c

    however ive just spotted a flaw to this method, take the temperature 2c, and half it you have 1c.. but when you convert it to kelvin and half it you end up with a different answer:

    2c = 275 kelvin
    275k / 2 = 137.5k
    137.5k = -135.5c


    ill have another think about this later when im stoned, got a bit of a headache atm

    edit: actually i dont think the method of converting to an absolute temperature was a mistake, as absolute temperature is defined as being the amount of energy something has (absolute zero is no energy, so you cannot possibly get any colder than 0 kelvin).

    so when something is twice as cold, it has half the energy or is half the absolute temperature.

    so half 2c is not 1c, it's -135.5c

    anyway, obviously most people define coldness differently so its a stupid phrase..
  14. Dude... im pretty sure my answer up above is correct... (0c = 273.15K)
  15. well, it cant really be twice as cold.....if it was 10 degrees...twice as cold wouldnt b 5 degrees...coz 10x2 is 20...right?....but thats not right either ...the term TWICE AS COLD is and oxymoron...

    is a paradox of temperaturial inconsitencies...(whatever that means...i have no idea....)
  16. 0 degrees C = 32 degrees F
    half of 32F is 16F

    16 degree Fahrenheit = -8.8888889 degree Celsius

    so the temp would probably be -8 or -9 degrees celsius

    :) i am so blazed
  17. It's fucking cold outside. Theres the answer.
  18. 0c is 273.15K, correct.

    your method of multiplying by 2 would infact give you twice the temperature you started with, which is 546.3K, or 273.15c

    dividing by 2 gives -136.5c roughly, which is colder and not hotter at least :p (dividing absolute temp (energy) by 2 is how i define twice as cold).
  19. Tc = (5/9)*(Tf-32)
    Tf = (9/5)*Tc+32

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