If you're stoned watch this and enjoy

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by Meows, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. No man. Not at all. :(
  2. Thats weak.
    I was ripped when i posted this.
    so it might have been just me.
  3. That was stupid.
  4. aah i thought it was funny sober
  5. unfortunately im not stoned..however the video was um...fucked up. ill be sure to watch it when im blitzed one day.
  6. i laugh my ass off at this when i'm high like now lol i love it! but sober.. not at all.
  7. Lmfaoaomaoa what the fuck
  8. This is the greatest fucking video ive ever seen in my life. If you can't seriously appreciate a cardigan tucked into someones pants you seriously need to reevaluate your entire life and stop being such a damn sucker.

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