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If You're Looking to Kill Time, Look No Further

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by qwerty man, Jul 2, 2011.

  1. aM laboratory

    Liquid Particles - canvas experiment


    string spin -

    I've been playing with these games for like an hour now haha

    For the first one, you can share your beats by right clicking and copying on the pad. And you can sample other people's beats by copying and pasting their string of numbers.

    Like if you copy this:
    65538,0,0,1028,272,64,65536,32768,1024,0,256,18432 ,65536,33792,0,4096

    and paste it into the first game, it'll play that string.

    Mess around with it, it's pretty cool :)
  2. #2 Nucco, Jul 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2011
    Nice, I really like the aM laboratory. Here are my riffs!




  3. 131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070,131070

    Do it.
  4. thank you, i was looking to kill time and time i am killing
  5. You now have me well on my way killing some time.
  6. I think some may enjoy this.130560,33216,16448,8256,4160,3008,4864,8832,16960,33568,66192,33352,16932,8722,4618,130564

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