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If your support illegal drugs, then you also support...

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by HeadySpaghetti, Jun 19, 2010.

  1. #1 HeadySpaghetti, Jun 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 17, 2010
    You support robberies and assaults on innocent people.
    The high prices of drugs caused by prohibition force many drug addicts to turn to robbery in order to pay for their drugs. Legalization would drop drug prices. Drug users would no longer need to rob/assault innocent people in order to support their drug habit. This violence against innocent people would end if drugs were legalized.

    You support clogging our prisons and jails with nonviolent people.
    Nearly 50% of all people in prison and jail are serving time for nonviolent drug charges. There are thousands of people in prisons for 5, 10, 50 years-even life-for possessing marijuana or cocaine! The average rapist is set free after serving only 3 years in prison, the average murderer is set free after serving only 9 years in prison! To house just one prisoner for one year costs the taxpayer $40,000! The result of these harsh penalties? Drug use has increased! (Tough laws have not stopped me from using marijuana-nor will they ever!)

    You support organized crime and drug cartels.
    Huge drug cartels and criminal organizations thrive off the enormous profits caused by drug prohibition. These organizations are responsible for thousands of murders! Many of people killed or hurt are innocent people who get in the way! These violent organizations will never be put out of business-unless drugs are legalized.

    You support environmental destruction.
    Underground cocaine and methamphetamine labs use toxic chemicals to produce those drugs-the wastes are recklessly dumped in forests and streams. These highly toxic chemicals are causing major environmental damage in South American rainforests and now in the U.S. This environmental destruction will stop only if drugs are legalized.
    You support drug dealers and street gangs.

    Drug dealers and street gangs fight over drug territories. Thousands of people are murdered and assaulted because of this fighting-many are innocent people who get in the way. This violence is another result of the huge profits caused by drug prohibition.

    You lure thousands of young people into quitting school.
    It is a fact that thousands of inner-city youths drop out of school to make enormous profits by selling drugs. The incentive to drop out of school would end if drugs were legalized.

    You do nothing to keep drugs away from kids or out of schools.
    In spite of what you may believe, keeping drugs illegal does not keep drugs away from children! Drugs are easily obtainable in almost every high school in America. Legalizing drugs would put schoolyard drug dealers out of business! There would be less drugs in our schools if drugs were legalized. Drugs would still be illegal for minors!

    You subsidize criminals by letting them reap huge drug profits without paying taxes.
    Since drugs are sold anyway, wouldn't you rather have them heavily taxed so it would reduce your tax burden? You are giving criminals a free ride and it's coming out of your own pocket. Working people pay 100% of all taxes for the drug dealers! Why do you want to pay taxes for drug dealers?
    You advocate punishing millions of harmless drug users (like me) at an enormous cost to society.

    If you believe drugs should be illegal, then you advocate spending your tax dollars to arrest/jail/punish millions of productive, honest, and harmless working people (like myself). Why? We hurt nobody! Who benefits from this policy? Nobody! Who loses from this policy? Everybody!

    Drug users can only hurt themselves. But the drug war harms/kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people and burdens you-the taxpayer. The drug war costs you hundreds of dollars every year! The drug war has not reduced drug use!

    Prohibitionists claim drugs must be illegal because they harm people. Why are prohibitionists so concerned about what other people do to themselves? Why do they feel it is their responsibility and right to control the lifestyles of other adults? The prohibitionists tell stories of people who hurt themselves with illegal drugs. So what? For every one person who has been harmed with illegal drugs, there are dozens of people who have used illegal drugs and were not harmed. For every one person who has been harmed by illegal drugs, there are 1,000 people who harm/kill themselves by deliberately choosing these harmful lifestyles…

    * Being overweight
    * Smoking cigarettes
    * Watching too much TV
    * Eating high-fat/high-cholesterol diets
    * Eating too much meat
    * Participating in dangerous sports/activities
    * Drinking alcohol
    * Eating too much sugar
    * Eating too few fruits/vegetables
    * Drinking too much coffee
    * Getting little/no exercise

    Why don't the prohibitionists advocate banning all of the above harmful lifestyles? The prohibitionists tolerate people who hurt/kill themselves with tobacco, alcohol, poor diet, or no exercise, but they refuse to tolerate people who harm themselves with cocaine. Why? Inconsistent! Illogical! Irrational!

    We now come to the real reason why marijuana, cocaine, LSD, and other drugs are illegal: Lifestyle control! Prohibitionists fear that if drugs are legalized, the “drug culture” will spread to the rest of society. Nobody can force others to use drugs! Adults must take responsibility for their own health! Because the prohibitionists have decided that drugs are wrong for them does not give them the right to force their lifestyle on others. Prohibitionists want government to play the role of parent. Prohibitionists believe they must babysit adults. Prohibitionists are the lifestyle police!

    In the last 25 years, per capita alcohol and tobacco consumption has decreased significantly. This was accomplished by education and treatment, not by threat of punishment! Drug use/abuse would drop significantly if we spent our resources on education and treatment instead of law enforcement. No rational person would call for imprisonment of smokers and drinkers in order to reduce tobacco and alcohol use. But that method is exactly how we try to reduce drug use. The savings to be had in ending the drug war could easily pay for all the drug treatment and education programs we need. The drug war is a failure! Education and treatment work!

    If you don't like a culture or a lifestyle, don't live it! If you don't like alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other drugs, don't use them! But don't ban my personal lifestyle for fear it will poison your lifestyle. Adults must take responsibility for their own actions! It is a flagrant violation of individual freedom to threaten others with punishment just because they choose a lifestyle that is not right for you.

    I will continue to smoke marijuana and enjoy it! I hurt nobody! If others do not approve of what I do to myself in my own home, too bad! I may not care for the music you listen to, the food you eat, or the culture you have adopted, but I would never advocate punishing you because I don't like your lifestyle. If someone violates the rights of others, the violater should be punished; otherwise, people should mind their own business. Adults who use drugs responsibly-whether they be tobacco, alcohol, LSD, or marijuana-cause no harm to others! Leave us alone!

    If you still believe drugs should be illegal, answer this question… Why do you believe it is good policy to punish me-and 20 million adult Americans like me-because I choose to use marijuana in the privacy of my own home? Who benefits from this policy and how do they benefit?
    Total cost of drug prohibition

    * Over 300,000 nonviolent people lose their freedom to prison/jail.
    * Thousands of murders, assaults, and robberies caused by drug crimes.
    * $20 billion/year in law enforcement costs.
    * $10 billion/year in lost tax revenue (similar to alcohol tax).
    * $5 billion/year in property losses due to drug-related crimes.
    * $50 billion/year and 500,000 jobs lost because of no hemp industry.

    Total cost = $85 billion/year = $500 per taxpayer every year!
    Harmful Effects?
    Drugs \tMost Harmful Effects
    Alcohol \t

    * Liver damage, birth defects, kills brain cells, intoxication, can induce violent behavior
    * Addiction: As addicting as cocaine!
    * Overdose: Possible.
    * Deaths/year (U.S.): 100,000 (Not counting drunk driving or crimes caused while intoxicated.)

    Tobacco \t

    * Lung, throat, and mouth cancer, emphysema, heart damage, premature aging of skin, underdeveloped newborn babies.
    * Addiction: As addicting as heroin or cocaine!
    * Overdose: Possible, but extremely unlikely.
    * Deaths/year (U.S.): 400,000

    Marijuana \t

    * Slight chance of bronchitis in some users.
    * Possible minor sperm count reduction, but unproven.
    * Lung cancer remotely possible with extremely heavy use, but unproven.
    * Short-term memory loss only while intoxicated-Not permanent!
    * Addiction: less addicting than coffee, soda, meat, or sugar!
    * Overdose: Impossible!
    * Deaths/year (U.S.): 0 (Zero!)

    EDIT: In my own personal experience marijuana isnt COMPLETELY safe, this happens to very few of us, but greatly effects the few that it happens to. Weed, not just weed, can cause a dissociatve disorder called depersonalization/derealization.
  2. Damn nice one.. +rep
  3. I wish more people thought logically like you.

  4. all part of the game
  5. Amen. Too bad those ignorant bastards will never read this post cause its remotely related to a bunch of stoners
  6. oh my fucking god!

    cartels cartels cartels shut the fuck up and bitch about something else fuck!

    all i hear about is cartels cartels fuck.

    so many flaws in making all drugs legal and for addicts,lowering the price wouldn't make them stop robbing/assault people.
  7. It was great reading that. Except for the fact I don't believe that ALL drugs should be legalized. Just mother natures.

  8. /end gay thread

    your bitching about wanting all drugs legalized when your saying why should you be punished if you use marijuana in your home and doing no one harm.
    Then get fuckin marijuana legalized and stop going for the impossible.

    scenario: Dad with family,wife,son,and daughter happy family.
    All drugs get legalized:Dad,hmm well all drugs are legal why not give it a try i won't get arrested.So ,dad try's cocaine.

    3 months later:Dad's heavily addicted,not helping out the family'the family's having problems where's dad ? No where to be found probably off some where getting on one.
    Idk where i was trying to go with this,but still im all for the legalization/decriminalization for marijuana it's a plant it's nature no way you can get heavily addicted or OD,why not legalize the bitch.
  9. Miss the point much? We should have the constitutional right to use drugs in our own property as long as you don't cause harm to someone else. That's what this is all about. This crap about the harm/addictiveness of a substance warranting it's control or restriction upon penalty of incarceration is just some bullshit for more government control.
  10. True!
  11. #12 DoctorDankk, Jun 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2010


    come the fuck on with your "We should have the constitutional right to use drugs in our own property as long as you don't cause harm to someone else."
    bullshit you fuckin swear people are going to use cocaine,lsd,e,oe,heroin recreationally...

    Hello alcohol' ring a bell much yea it's only for recreational use.
    And what do people do get drunk and drive,or go fuck shit up.

    So again really?
    Think again what legalizing all drugs would do,yeah man ima sniff coke get high and trip the fuck out in my house.

    'come on propaganda bullshit bitch.

    disrespect and namecalling aren't tolerated at this forum

  12. i see where this guys coming from, but hes fighting the uphill battle here. Even though there probably would be a surge of addiction where there previously hadn't been, the problems caused by drugs being illegal still outweigh the possibility of some people trying drugs. (plus, most people who haven't done cocaine by the time they're a father wouldn't arbitrarily choose to just because they don't have to worry about getting in trouble). Also, think abut the fear factor. One guy dies of an overdose cause he had no tolerance and tried it his first time. The media jumps on it and makes the whole country afraid of drugs again.

  13. the same can happen with weed what makes cocaine,heroin,ampthetamines any different from weed and how a deals with their persons responsibilities ? there are many potheads who flunk out or aren`t the best members of society and there are many people who use harder drugs without it affecting their lives.

    opium,datura,mandrake,kratom all are natural and they can be more dangerous than pharmaceuticals. It is how a person uses a substance rather than the substance itself.

    Regulate it and keep it safe for those who want to try something and give help who want to get out og it.

  14. Opium?
    Yeah man it might be natural but people want heroin not just the plant.

    Kratom lol who even "try's" kratom hardly no one man gay drug.

    haha yeah man go legalize kratom!

  15. Very good watch thank you for the link.
  16. Always posting something worthwhile, nice man.
  17. To all those who say it: show me some evidence that legalizing increases usage.

    Oh yeah, you can't. The closest examples would be The Netherlands, Portugal and Mexico. Upon decriminalization of small amounts of drugs usage has in fact dropped.

    It's all about personal liberties at the end of the day. Do you think someone thousands of miles away in an administrative centre should be able to dictate to you, an adult human being, what you can and can't put into your body under threat of incarceration?

    Legalize, regulate, educate.
  18. Amen, I also like that User Title, :laughing:.
  19. Humankind can't legalize drugs carte blanche without first dismanteling the free market system, or at least removing the profit motive from the cultivation, manufacture, and distribution of drugs. At this time, the impetus for realizing profit is held by national and multinational criminal elements and organizations. To remove legal restrictions on drugs would transfer this profit motive to above-board multinational corporations. The potential for a drug enslaved world would be enormous. One just has to look at the susceptibility of people to marketing and advertising, the primary tools of a free market system, to realize that we are currently a species of P. T. Barnum 'suckers'.
    This may not be what y'all want to hear, but if history is any teacher, then drug freedom could very easily devestate our world - as it has in the past.

    From Opium, By Alfred W. McCoy. (root source: Opioids : past, present and future)

    "During the latter half of the 19th century, opium became a major global commodity. Across the Asian opium zone, from the Balkans to Manchuria, there was a steady increase of local opium cultivation and consumption. Moreover, in the latter half of the 19th century, the modern pharmaceutical industry made opiates a drug of mass abuse in the cities of the West--Europe, the Americas, and Australia.
    By the early 20th century, opium and its derivatives, morphine and heroin, had become a major global commodity equivalent in scale to other drugs such as coffee and tea."

    Take some of these historic scenerios and translate them into present day. Any English schoolboy of six could easily envision the inevitable nightmares that would wrack all societies if modern market forces were allowed to unleash a free-drug world. Profit alone would be the single determining factor for shaping our drug enduced destiny, not Freedom.

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