If you were to write a letter to Barack Obama...

Discussion in 'General' started by SpiffyDeezy, Jan 26, 2009.

  1. like a page saying wat the contents of the letter are
  2. Dear President,

    It's too late. You can't do a damn thing!:wave:

    Sincerely, nobody.

    P.S. 2012, lates!
  3. President Obama,

    Wait until you meet stoned budda.


    Diplomat of Foreign Relations for GrassCity

  4. Dear Obama dude,
    I was too lazy to do my homework, so i got a bunch of stoned kids to collaborate on some ideas.

    Seriously, do your own homework.
  5. SENIOR Obama,

    Pleze Send me a green card
    awh !
    My amigos and i need to feed the 11 kids south of the border eh,
    beans and rice arnt keepin them full holmes,
    Chow !

    Senior Rodregiuz jr jesuz santago manwells,
  6. stfu...
  7. Please help fund GC Island

    We will be the best ally you'll ever have

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