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If you were to commit suicide how would you do it?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by tiger bloom, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Why is it cowardly to not want to deal with life?

    If you've got a girlfriend and she's a bitch, you break up with her. That doesn't make you a coward.

    Life's a bitch, and then you die.
  2. I do not disagree, but each suicide is case by case.
    Suicide is not chosen; it happens when pain exceeds resources for coping with pain.
  3. Sometimes you just decide life isn't worth living anymore. What's so wrong with that? To each his own.
  4. I'd take out thousands or marijuana seeds and build a little hut in some unknown destination where it's hot as.

    I'd build the hut over a period of time and make sure I have electricity and a little farm so I can be self sufficient.

    I'd grow pot and hunt to live.

    If I die I die, fuck it :D

  5. this isn't suicide
  6. Idk man. Run at some of my enemies guns blazing. Take like half of them out until they kill me.

    I don't have any enemies though so idk.
  7. Id grow pot too just fuck it
  8. Become the President of the United States of America and shoot myself during my inauguration speech.
  9. a girlfriend is not my life. girlfriends can be replaced, my life cant.
  10. I'd like to die like Tony. Live it up, deal ,get hooked then shot in the back with a 10g at an inopportune time when i least expected it.

  11. Yeah, that was just bullshit logic anyway, haha

    But, why does it have to be a show of cowardice if you kill yourself? I think about killing myself, but it's not because I'm afraid of life or anything like that. I know a lot about myself. If I know that there will be a prolonged period of discomfort, why should I endure it?

    We're entropic beings and I think it's courageous to face that fact with a brief goodbye.
  12. We all Die. Live Fast. Die Fast. Spend what you aint got. 2012 AAHH fuck it. Smoke and drink so you dont get alzheimer's. Get down with the sickness Ah!
  13. I think about this sometimes. I'd have to say of on sleeping pills. I'm sleeping, no mess to clean up. Its all good lol
  14. I would tie a brick to a rope then to my foot , and throw it in the pool . But keep it long enough to get some air because my dad is coming home
  15. personally I have a goal in life to become the first person EVER to overdose on plan is to get a shit ton of pure concentrate thc and take like 210321$ worth, just need to get the buds
  16. I would get a pool and fill it with starving great white sharks, Then i would take a 3 hour bath in gravy & blood, Then jump off the high dive into the pool of sharks.
  17. lol?

    It doesnt have to show cowardice, but to me I cant see it as anything but cowardly and selfish..

    and you cant predict the future, there could be something epic in your future that would turn your life around, you cant be positive that there will be a prolonged discomfort in your life.
  18. So... since the gravy would have no effect on the sharks I take it a gravy bath is just some weird fantasy of yours?
  19. Nitrogen narcosis. You never even feel death coming.
  20. Are you a monk?

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