If you were lying on your death bed

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by risingson, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. and you somehow knew for a fact you would be dead in 4 hours, but your too weak to do anything but lay there, would you snort a .3g line of crystal LSD?

    I think I would, might as well blow your mind out of your skull before you die right?
  2. i wouldnt snort it but i would put it all on my tongue.
  3. IV it, fuck it, mix with a speedball :cool:
  4. Lol, talk about goin' out with a bang!

    And no, I wouldn't. I'd prefer to spend my last hours with my friends/homies, not tripping on close to a half gram of LSD :D
  5. A mixed IV shot of .1 raw heroin, .3 molly, 200ug lsd, 3 mg dom, 6mg hydromorphone,
    and vape from a rose [ 15mg 4-HO-MIPT, 75mg N,N-DMT, 25mg 5-MeO-DMT, 25mg 5-MeO-DIPT, 50mg freebased cocaine] - repeatedly, whenever I was physically capable of doing so.

    nodding, took me a good 15 minutes to write that
  6. I'd candyflip, would be totally at peace with what was happening and not care really.
  7. Yessssssssss :hippie:
  8. I would think if you know your about to die you would have way more important thoughts going through your head then getting high
  9. I would like to experience death sober, cause I only get to once.
  10. I'd do PCP, or lots of coke / meth. Then I wouldn't be too weak to do anything.
  11. What could be so important? I would want to ease my mind, as I know it would be thinking at the speed of light ;)
  12. whats so urgent? you're gonna be dead in a second anyways
  13. I would probably go snowboarding.
  14. I would do meth and pcp. Prolly acid, too.
  15. no thats just dumb, id so much rather smoke a nice fat joint to the dome:smoke:
  16. This sounds about right. The dosage on the LSD just needs to go up a lot.
  17. yup

    i'd prob do a bunch of H. i never done it, but if i was dieing i'd try it.
  18. Nah, I'd shoot heroin repeatedly, and smoke crack.

  19. Haha, hell yes. Mix up a shot of Heroin with it or a shot of some crystal. Woooo, Jesus, that's how i'm going out. Thank you for the idea.
  20. Here's my whole thing ever since Ive tried hard drugs mostly rolls I really think when you are so fucked up you're as close to death as you can be I think dying would be the ultimate high and the high just never stops that's my theory of 'Heaven'

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