If you were abducted by aliens..

Discussion in 'General' started by smokeRises, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. And brought to their planet, would you rather be put in their zoo or their circus?
  2. Earth zoo keepers treat the animals like damn royalty so Ill go with that. circus freaks usually beat their animals asses and treat em like shit.
  3. circus, at least you travel in a circus right?

    BTW i have a friend who swears he was once abducted by aliens, i call bullshit.
  4. The circus man, the best way to get back at those fuckers is too moon them. Or if they're sexy aliens, strip for them. :smoke:
  5. Zoo, id much rather be on display so people can be like OMG A HUMAN, then realize...all i do is sit there and eat and sleep and rage out after being kept in captivity... Id rather not be forced to train and do some unworldly alien tricks...i mean..the did conquer space travel...what could a human do in a circus to impress them...besides get beaten or treated like a little bitch
  6. Zoo

    If I have to be in captivity I would prefer to just hang around all day/night as opposed to being forced to perform.
  7. who says we are not all ready in a zoo?
  8. Zoo. I wanna see other alien species. :cool:
  9. If the alien zookeepers are going to be like our Earth zookeepers, and assuming the proper accommodations (copious amounts of marijuana, paraphernalia, gaming consoles, a little workout area) were made to recreate my Earth habitat, than FUCK YEAH, PUT ME IN THE ZOO!:cool:
  10. Zoo, I would hopefully figure out how to communicate with them and try to get a sick electronic jam setup for entertainment purposes. Raves on different planets would probably be fucking nuts.

  11. Or just a really bad reality TV show.

  12. omg i read teh question wrong. i thought it ment would you want aliens in a zoo dor cirrcus..

  13. Lmao me too! So I voted circus...
  14. Zoo or Circus? Within 5 mins of being abuducted I would be Grand Vizier...
  15. Ever been to LA? So many damn aliens it is a zoo!

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