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If You Were A Superhero using A trait or skill about yourself what would you be?

Discussion in 'General' started by ARlexington, Sep 26, 2009.

  1. So as I was enjoying an incredibly awe-inspiring afternoon I thought to myself, " If you were to take a trait, or skill you've aquired or, a physically nice gesture that people always comment on, And turn into a superhero.....what would you be? "

    for example: I took my eyes because people always comment on them and thought of something with that so I got like I would be THEEEEE CHAMELEON! and my superpower would be because my eyes have every color in them and turn to whatever color shirt im wearing or my background...I could blend into any situation so I would be like a good spyon the battlefield, etc. etc.

    So guys what would your Super Hero Power be?! and why you chose that.
  2. Well my defining trait is my extremely large penis so..

    Just kidding... I have a tiny penis.
  3. Apparently Im very sneeky and people dont really notice me so I would probably be a super ninja
  4. I give good hugs, so like, my superpower would be I could hug people and make them happy? That'd be a sweet power to have.
  5. Mnid Conltrl
    Im so goud at it, I dindt speel msot of thses wrods rihgt, nd yoo stll read tihs.:p:smoking:

  6. that'd be really cool. :bongin:
  7. I'm an excellent liar, so I guess I could be the Super Politician.

    In all seriousness...I don't have a goddamn clue.
  8. Definately Shape Shifting. I'd transform into Megan Fox and touch myself

  9. but, on the down side you'd be equipped with a pair of toe thumbs
  10. Yea.. whateva, theres always Watermelon Girl
  11. I'm a very average person. I'm average height, average body size. I have no real distinguishing features. My nose isn't large, no tattoos, my eyes are quite evenly centred. I could be any white male between 5'6" and 5'9". I could go any predominantly white area and fall into a crowd and never be heard from again. I am everywhere.

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