Bender. I'd love to party like him n not have a single care in the world Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
c-3po because he was a light skinned nigga doing that shit in a time whenwe were underrepresented in hollywood
Sorry bro.. I'm Bender. You can be Flexo.... We can go around smoking blunts, drinking and telling the coffin stuffers to bite our shiny metal asses. Lol
fuck you bill'oreily. you just can't handle a young brotha who startin from nothin makin it in the white man's entertainment industry
[quote name="Royal Vengeance" post="19407480" timestamp="1390707720"]Hedonism Bot [/quote]this made me burst out laughing Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
or something that is cyborg and human looking like alice from tekken - but not alice. some male version of.
Dave Chapelle Eddie Griffin Kat Williams And my all time favorite.. Yup. Richard Pryor. Fucking love them guys. Know who else Terry Crews... that fucker is hilarious. In Norbit when he saved him the turkey ass... Dude I started a riot in that motherfucker..
[quote name="fearjar" post="19407520" timestamp="1390708108"]Dave ChapelleEddie GriffinKat WilliamsAnd my all time favorite.. Yup. Richard Pryor. Fucking love them guys.Know who else Terry Crews... that fucker is hilarious. In Norbit when he saved him the turkey ass... Dude I started a riot in that motherfucker..[/quote] Kevin hart as wellSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
The liquid terminator from Terminator 2. And if I were choosing a Starwars robot it's all abt R2D2; he gets shit done.