If you think about it...

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Big Ross, May 14, 2009.

  1. When you think about it seriously and give it thought; you realize that nothing you do matters at all in the universe other than the people/things/places involved in it. Seeing as how the act of killing is viewed as evil SOLELY on the fact that it's viewed as "bad" by a majority, you can safely assume that nothing you do matters in the universe because it doesn't affect the majority. So you're the minority and you're ignorant for taking any pleasure or pain from anything in life because you don't take into account the universe as a whole. Everything you do is you allowing yourself to become self-centered and think about only you and the situation you're in when it doesn't ever matter in the bigger picture. And we are all ignorant at all times because we do not know all the questions and never will know all the answers.

    At least that's what I think... :smoke:
  2. haha, yeah dude. it always cracks me up when people take themselves so seriously. they don't realize that they don't matter and for some reason that really gets me. like if i start to think about some of the people i've met i can't help but laugh at how hilarious their world-view is.
  3. I agree with the OP. Here we are sitting and talking about MJ while little children in Haiti eat dirt.

  4. Yup. And somewhere in the universe a star is collapsing into itself in a deafening quiet. All while I take a hit out of my bong and some kid in Florida has a ham sandwich. Then a politician in Russia is going to the bathroom and the sun is burning through it's helium.

    Lot of things going on at once
  5. Congratulations... you may be a nihilist.
  6. You could be onto something.
    I think I need to look into this more.
  7. Well said. I believe ignorance of this basic fact causes more people to be dissatisfied with their lives than almost anything else. So many people get caught up in living not for themselves but for the expectations of society, and allow themselves to become deeply affected by challenges and events in life that are entirely insignificant when taken in context of the total situation.

    When you realize that a single human life is utterly insignificant on the scale of the entire universe or even our own planet, it is like a liberation from societal expectations. There is no reason to live solely for the expectations of others, simply live your own life and find as much enjoyment as possible out of every day, because in the end that is the only thing which truly matters.
  8. sadly, fixed for accuracy.

    i saw it on national geographic, in the poorest parts of haiti they bake cookies using only mud and salt i think it was..
  9. ah, nihilism. I reccommend you read Grendel by John Gardner, it's a fantastic philosophical read that explores existentialism and nihilism on levels far too high for young college kids to understand, but still deliciously mind-blowing. It's filet mignon for the philosophical-minded.
  10. I'll start looking on where to buy the book, thanks. =D
  11. Cool :hello: just make sure you read the cliffsnotes for Beowulf, the epic poem, first. It's the same story told from another perspective.
  12. Meh... How do you determine when something "matters"? By its effect on the far reaches of the galaxy? I don't think there's any event going on anywhere that has that huge of an effect, a black hole being the closest to it. So in the words of Queen nothing really matters:smoking:

    But in a way I kind of find all that irrelevant. What really affects our lives is what goes on in our lives- the people we see, the places we go, the things we do etc. If being self-centered means being concerned with the details of your life I guess I'm pretty self-centered.
  13. #13 H2O420, May 14, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 14, 2009

    Or does it all matter, right down to the microbes in those Haiti kid's dirt cookies?
  14. Well put I feel the same way that people just let there life fly by without taking a minute and thinking about whats actually going on. Existence itself is just boggling when you think of its presence and try to imagine its origin. I am thankful for everyday because what if none of this ever happened.

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