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if you study high ...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by KushSmokaa, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. then take the test high will you do better lol just pondering this question.
  2. i always smoke after school ... dunno feels more like a reward than
  3. I cant study worth a damn stoned.
  4. Yes, if you are in a state of intoxication, then you will remember things you did/heard/learned when you were intoxicated. I just hit the vape so sorry of it doesn't make much sense.
  5. Haha How High. "I figga if I study high, take the test high... get high scores!"
  6. #6 benthamj49, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011

    But, OP, no. The people who say it has worked are likely not taking any taxing exams like upper level maths/sciences/engineerings (Calc 2, 3, Diff. EQ don't count as upper level) I could pass a College Algebra exam bombed outta my mind, and probably Calc 1, etc... But when it comes to hardcore classes that require massive amounts of reasoning and decision making and rational calculations, you just can't expect to pass those stoned.

    On the other hand, if its philosophy or something maybe you could get a benefit, but you also run the risk of getting completely stumped and not being able to logic yourself into an answer.
  7. ahhh somebody figured out the how high reference, love that movie. +rep :smoke:
    but im really wondering if that would work

  8. Math is almost impossible for me when I'm in that state....but anything else works for me.
  9. As long as I'm not tired stoned, know what I mean, I'm cool. The hybrids like blue dream and well grown ramulon, dog shit, ?; the buds that give you that high focus and don't bring you down. More of a head high and then you can drink an energy drink and be focused, energized and creative.
  10. As long as your in the same state of consciousnesses as you were when studying taking the test high should theoretically be possible. You're brain automatically associated the information with your state of mind, its really interesting. Even in many rape cases, the victim would be asked to try and re-live the moment in order to get information that might have otherwise been left out. For example; if a woman was abducted while jogging and listening to a certain song, recalling the events (playing the same song in the same jog routine) will bring back key points not observed before, and therefore help find the offender.
  11. My dude, when I first started smoking, my tolerance was crazy low and every time I'd hit the joint and hit the books, I NEVER can focus.

    Just trust me, study hard first, then smoke and chill afterwards, so much more relaxing knowing u finished all your work beforehand, TRUST.
  12. I dont know about you, but my brain is in a different state everytime i smoke.

    You know, if your seriously contemplating this, you should really be contemplating weather your old enough to smoke or not. And if you think you are, do it fucking responsibly.

    No, of course smoking dope before a test isn't going to help. I don't care how many facts you bring up, your still wrong.
    • Like Like x 1
  13. First day of psychology class.

    My teacher says this.

    "If you're stoned right now, you better show up stoned to all the classes, and you better study stoned and take the test stoned. Funny thing memory is."

    The rest of the class period was her talking about memory, I'll never forget that class.

    Yeah, I was baked outta my mind too.
  14. this is true actually! hahaha i came into this thread to say exactly that but you beat me to it,

    your brain remembers things better in the state of mind you were in when you learned it
  15. Doubt it...I can hardly study high, i'd never risk a test. But hey everyones different.
  16. Are you really that ignorant? Do you want me to pull out my psychology book and quote you the exact name of the process? More importantly should you not be contemplating whether or not you should go to school and figure out how to properly use the word weather? What evidence do you have for your statement?
  17. Not only that...buzzkill man
  18. But why would you choose to learn it in that state of mind, your brain cells are slowed, your probably focusing more, that's about it.

    I'm not here to debate, all i'm saying is that there are much better uses for dope then using it to study and take tests with.

    I dont know about you guys but if i was gonna write a test i would want my brain operating at maximum effiency and your brain is not doing that while your high.
  19. And yes, i am that ignorant.
  20. Clearly. Its called state dependent memory.

    I quote:


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