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If you have a small amount of weed....

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Rugaroo, May 8, 2011.

  1. Make a god damn gravity bong, I overlooked them forever, I normally smoke out of a pipe or my waterpipe, but wow. I just made one, and I'm fucking blasted, I have a pretty decent tolerance...and this is dirt weed too, sadly. I smoked a small bowl previous to 1 hit off the grav bong, and I'm toasted.
  2. I've always hated grav bongs, they're just too harsh. I'll stick to my one-hitter when I'm low.
  3. Its good when u dont do them often or only do 1 a night but regular gravity bongs will bump your tolerance right up
  4. The G.B. is the needle for tokers. I love it :)
  5. never had a had off a gravity bong before, i guess im just too lazy to make one. im running low too. ill try making one tonight.
  6. ive never smoked a true gravity bong, only a waterfall bong(basically a portable gb) is there any diff in the hit really. between those two anyways
  7. ive tried a waterfall bong too. can anyone say what the difference is, and if the hits are different at all?

  8. A GB involves a basin, and usually a 2 or 3-L bottle which has been cut to allow airflow. It's the same concept with the "bowl" in top of the lid, but as a seasoned toker, I can say that the GB DEFINITELY hits better, harder, faster, and more.:smoke:
  9. ima definitely make ne tonigh, all i got left is two roaches, maybe three if i can find the joint i lost last night. ill look around next to the bed.
  10. man my friends made a "lung" one time.. that's the best thing i've found yet to smoke a very tiny amount and get blasted.. well besides knifes...

    take like a 2 liter bottle, but the bottom off, just like you would a GB then use a small socket, attach to lid somehow that is airtight, and then, on the bottom of the socket/top inside of the bottle, you wanna attach a bag or some sort, like a vape bag.. then deflate bag, load socket with pot, light pot, and pull the bottom of the bag to create a suction on the bowl and fill the bag right up then remove lid put mouth over hole and squeeze the bag... instant rip to the face, i coughed for a good 10 mins when my friends showed me this lol...
  11. Wow, just sparked up the GB again, and damn, I hit it properly this time lol..and I got to the point....where my whole air passage way was filled with to say, im stoned at the moment....
  12. way easier if you just cut a small carb hole near the bottom, fill it up with water, put a bowl of some kind on top (cap hollowed out and filled with aluminum), light herb, and let go of hole. Easy as that. I've seen a lot of people try to make those stupid cut off gravity bongs but they always fuck it up. This way is way easier and effective every time!
  13. Mine was made fine...and hits harder than any bong I've smoked out of...It feels like smoking a giant joint...except a lot less hot.
  14. I have never smoke out of a gravity bong befor, im gonna try it tonight with my buddy. Thank you OP.
  15. smoking out of plastic is nasty. especially if your using the bottles for more than once session. i like my smoking without that shit plastic taste.

    just my opinion thought. to each his own
  16. I thought i was the only one who had heard of this :smoke:
  17. Get clean water, clean plastic, and you'll hardly notice, especially if your weed is good, because you would taste it over background tastes. It's definitely a once in a while thing, but well worth it, if you do it right, it rips very hard.

  18. Ya because the gravity bong you push it back down into the water once its filled up with smoke and it forces the smoke ino our lungs... a rather painful experience im not gunna lie...
  19. Told you guys. GB's are the shit. Lungs are slightly below that though IMHO
  20. damn that sounds harsh man

    does anyone have a really easy to follow link to how to make a gravity bong?

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