get a vape, along with a bong so you can vapor bong and rip the bong when you dont wanna vape. Seems the most logical to me
Vapes are boring...... I'm all about bongs Also, I feel like I have to get a 600$ vape for it to be worth it. Cheap vapes don't work very well at least with my experience.
Get a RooR. Double Perc, Diffused downstem, ice catcher, golden weed leaf sand blasted into the side. 2.5 - 3 footer, ash catcher.
Vape! Vape! Vape! Vapes are way worth an investment than a bong. I got my bong for 200$ and I love it, it works better than anything and is better for my lungs!
I was just looking around and this looks pretty cool: ZOB - BELLO PERK - STRAIGHT - RASTA LABEL I personally would probably get an sg or a syn showerhead.
nah dude you can get a good vape for like 200 and yes shitty vapes give them a bad name, get either the silver surfer or the extreme q and then with the left over money get a bong that you can attach the vape to, way worth the money trust me
thats what i honestly thought. but my EQ is all i use. But if bongs are what your looking for SG, SGW , LW, 2011bc sure missing some
Innerfire Fully Worked Tube - Aquarius - English - or this
i hate when you make a thread asking a specific question and people answer with shit you dont wanna hear. the op said bong, right in the title, so if all you have to say is "get a vape" why bother posting?? the sov king stemline is the golden standard, runs about 320, but are hard to find.
get a stemline and a extreme q vaporizer or a gridded 2010bc ash catcher check out aqualab bra [ame=]YouTube - Stemlime Whole & Skim Milkshots[/ame]
i was thinking this exact thing when i was scrolling down. for $450, id get a king stemline (if you can find one) and a worked ben wilson DD bowl other than the stemline, waffles are great, 2010/2011bc is killing it lately
Sovereignty - KING STEMLINE - Black Label dude jump on this shit before it sells out i have the same one and it is an absolute delight i love the thing they call it the king for a reason
Sovereignty Glass Stem line to 8 tree perc or E Ross 4.0 Alex K diffused diffy to double showerhead. If I was spending $500. Those are the two I would be looking at. Never hit a Toro, and personally not on that wagon, but I hear that their 7/13's are pretty sweet.
Sovereignty - Stemline w/ Natty Splash Guard Sovereignty - STEMLINE - 50 x 5 mm Black Label these are also available