If you die tommorow,what would you do today?

Discussion in 'General' started by wordmagician2k, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. I would get drunk out of my mind;smokes some kush and get all the sex I can.
  2. Spend every waking minute with my friends and family. The ones that cared to show up anyway.

  3. Word..

    I'd take the first flight back to chi and ride rollercoasters with my family.

    Then I'd see if i could guilt a girl into sexing me.
  4. Basically I would become Niko in GTA
  5. i saw this thread like a week ago, so i'm gonna repeat the best reply from that one

    Talking to Dr. House, and finding a cure
    -Canada x 420
  6. That is so true.I should of add the family part.I forgot! lol
  7. Awww! You from Chi? I was living there a few years ago.
  8. Yup.

    Born and raised. Though, in the suburbs is where I spent most of my days. Just chillin out maxing and relaxing all cool, getting some good grades at my high school, when my GPA size caught the attention of schools who were trying avoiding fools. I did one little app and very well it fared, and soon i was off on a plane to the fuckin east coast for a prestigious liberal arts college.
  9. Rob a bank and lead the cops on a high speed chase from Florida to Canada.
  10. would love to do this...hence my username :smoke:
  11. #11 Translucenhaze, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Yea... Me and one of my friends have it all planed out... Make the car windows bullet proof, put some type of shovel bumper on the front to move road spikes, and get armor platings for the door. And bring a few gas tanks just in case...
  12. im so in...ill be the trail car and we can split the police force in half if things get too out of hand.
  13. :confused_2: there is no way i'm gonna die the day before 420.
  14. #14 Translucenhaze, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    He'll yea.... This is going to work... I can tell
  15. Shty!!! Count me in. We can rob and kill some coppers.
  16. Id steal a tank destory what i can and be taken down by the police
  17. Ok ur in haha. Anyone else?
  18. You going military on them police.shty!!! I have a few bombs to cover your back.
  19. #19 Translucenhaze, Apr 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Haha... Man well get the world in this one... There's no way the cops can get all of us.
  20. We need to start recruiting many men,women, and children then.

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