If you could..

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by collie_man, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. If you could, Would you like to rule the world?

    this is a serious question, believe it or not
  2. How is it even possible to have complete control of the world? If anything the world has complete control over you.

    I would rule the world in the sense that I would let everyone be free and let life go on within them and without them. No restrictions, no limitations, no laws, no beliefs to be followed by, just the absolute liberty of choice.
  3. Complete control of the world as in being an international dictator
  4. Nah, the people have for too long been stripped of their power. This power that has been stripped has channeled into a very few number of people in the government where they are easily influenced by money. It is quite a corrupt system, and we are constantly the ones that are feeding it.
    I could only hope that if all the power in the world were to be dispersed among all the people rather than just a selected few, that this world would be a lot better place.
  5. #6 Madrid, Jan 24, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2009
    Yes I would. I'd then immediately order/create a education revolution (REAL education), give people their minds back, destroy all monopolies and overgrown corporations and 'little-dictators', expose all dark areas of governments and industries. Then I'd try and put together a team of people who are like the forefathers of america who really just wanted a government to protect freedom. In the process I would be assassinated, but from my lifetime seeds of education, revolution, and human evolution would be planted. If I didnt gain control and try and put an end to all other control someone else would take it. At least I'd be good intentioned. My attempt at birthing a utopia would fail because humans are still too evil. But hopefully by shredding the world's supply of false media, lies, spin, bias, propaganda, hypnosis, dumbing down I could get more people on the good and awake side so that the snowball effect could take off and the human race would no longer allow what is going on today to happen
  6. it would be fun up until i got shot 10 minutes after they realized i ruled the world, unless you mean a type of godlike position on earth than yes, i would love that and i think i would make the world a better place
  7. No no, the question is more to pose a question of whether you could handle/want the responsibility in order to create change, or else do things the way you them to be done. Imagine the possibilities if people were waiting on your every word.... but could you handle it?

    I sure as hell could not.
  8. Nope. There is no division between me and the world. Say what you will guys. :p

  9. gotcha, as much as id love to say id be able to handle it, talk is cheap, but no i would not pass up that offer, because in a moral-lacking world thats corrupt, me a pure hearted person can actually make the world a better place for all, or at least try my best. It'd definetly beat living an average life :p
  10. i'd rather positively influence the world. set the foundation for a better humanity
  11. id rather have complete control over my mind.

    What will I do with complete control over the world and incomplete control over my mind? All that control will just drive me crazy.
  12. It sounds nice and everything, but direct democracy is too neocratic for my tastes. We need a meritocracy (Plato's idea of rule by Philosopher-King). Since when have the masses known what is best for themselves?
  13. Krishnamurti would be proud! :D
  14. Any man can 'rule' the world.

    Having the ability to lead the world however, few men/women will possess.
  15. do you believe you have that ability/

  16. Fuck no, the person that could do that would need to unify or conquer the known world... in today's world that'd be a huge fucking task to undertake.

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