Obviously most of us would say one of the big 5 (Co, Wa, Or, Al, DC)... But I actually wouldn't really want to live in a big stoner area (Denver or Seattle for example). I would prefer somewhere a little more under the radar, somewhere where weed is decriminalized definitely. My somewhere would be Maine. Been there several times and loved it. Once in the winter and that was a blast. I'm sure it would be tough getting used to the brutal winters but I think it's just all a matter of embracing it. My main reason for wanting to move to Maine would be because of the incredible beauty and vast wilderness. Maine truly is a rural state and I think it would suit me wonderfully. This summer I get to teach golf at a summer camp in Maine, can't wait! Just 3 more years of school and my Maine plans can begin. What about y'all? Where would you live and why?
Eastsound, WA. Almost a doppelganger of my hometown. But with the addition of a mountain, islands, the sea, and legal weed. Low population. Sadly, less annual snowfall too. Fair trade-off I guess. Next fall I hope to end up there.
^ In that case you probably want to be closer to Mexico. The Chinese also built the railroads up in Canada.
I live in NW Washington state and never heard of Eastsound. I thought you just meant east of puget sound, where I live. But in answer to the question I'm happy where I live since I'm already in a legal weed state. By the way if you do move maybe we can blaze up some time. Sent from my iPad using Grasscity Forum
I'd say NYC. Hopefully I'll have an internship there this summer Sent from four score and seven years ago
Alaska! All the fishing and gold prospecting I could ever want. Plus I could make/smoke hash all winter! I live in Oregon though and it's damn near as nice so I ain't going anywhere.
Norcal. Hands down, it just seems so beautiful and chill with the mountains and shit. Sent from my SM-G900P using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I have always wanted to live in the Mountains of Colorado or somewhere in Alaska (nothing to do with the fact that weed is legal in both states)
Speaking from experience its not that great living in a state were weed is legal (Washington). Marijuana prices are flat out ridiculous at the recreational pot shops. 2 grams roughly cost $50 - 60 dollars with tax and all that. An eighth can cost over 100 dollars. Now if you buy from a dealer or medical marijuana dispensary that's a completely different story. You can get the dankest weed for pretty cheap from these sources. (My preferred choice) I never understood why someone would want to move solely on the fact the marijuana is legal in a state though. Overall Washington is a great place to live in general though (My opinion). Just get used to the rain and you'll be fine. I'll stick with living in Washington for now.
This seems like the stereotypical answer, but if I were ever going to move to America, I'm sure it would be in the Pacific Northwest. Big bush, big surf, good herb, fresh air. I've never been, but it's been calling my name. I also dig the idea of San Francisco. And the deep south. Yes. I need to go stateside.
Whats the deal with visa's and such for the States, you know? Is it possible to get a 6 month or so visa and just gallivant around or are there many strict criteria you must meet and whatnot? Never really looked into, and guess could google but ah well, will just ask an OG.
I want to live where cannabis is legal recreationally. Where there are no natural disasters. Where I have a wooded area, a lake, and a bar / restaurant within walking distance. Where there are very few liberals and where the percentage of white people is 98% or higher. Does anyone know of a US state that fits the bill ? Also, a moderate temperature. Not too hot and humid and not too cold winters.
Pittsburgh. I love that dirty city. The food. The teams. I love every day I'm in Pittsburgh. That being said if I could live anywhere in the world. I wouldn't live in the US.