If you could have any superpower you wanted, what would it be?

Discussion in 'General' started by thestonedstoner, Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Post it and explain why.

    Mine would be the ability to grow dank buds on my body instantly on command. Whenever I want, grab some freshly grown weed from my arm and smoke it :smoke:
  2. Freeze time, but when i freeze time, i dont age. Imo it would be the ultimate power. You could literally do anything you want.
  3. Speed. I could steal things, namely bud and money. I'd steal your blunt as soon you rolled it. ;)

  4. That's awesome, I never have enough time do everything I want :(
  5. [quote name='"WhyHelloYouX"']Speed. I could steal things, namely bud and money. I'd steal your blunt as soon you rolled it. ;)[/quote]

    Aha freezing time is preety much "speed" lol, i could steal the blunt from you 2 seconds after you stole the blunt.
  6. Oh yeah, well next time I saw you I'd be like "ahah you got me". And then once you're caught of guard and it'd be the last thing you expect, I'd kick you in the balls 300 times. Come at me bro
  7. [quote name='"WhyHelloYouX"']

    Oh yeah, well next time I saw you I'd be like "ahah you got me". And then once you're caught of guard and it'd be the last thing you expect, I'd kick you in the balls 300 times. Come at me bro[/quote]

    Hmm this battle could get ugly.

  8. In the meantime I'll be growing infinite amounts of bud on my body :wave: have fun fighting over that blunt :p
  9. I can think of one....:laughing:

    Attached Files:

  10. Ultimate Camo.
  11. #12 King Willie, Aug 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2012
  12. Super Saya-jin 4.

  13. I'd like freezing time, that'd be dope. 3 steps
    1.Freeze time
    2.Walk in to dispensary
    3.There is no step 3
  14. Lol guys I think it's called Time control. I'd like that power very much. Other then freezing time and stealing shit I'd also like to visit the past to fix mistakes in my life. Either time travel and appear as my past self or have the choice to be sort of like a ghost and just observe history.

    Also would like invulnerability though. It'd be cool as hell to do daredevil shit without fear of injury or death. Just imagine, jumping off a building, being in an explosion, wrestling with bears, high speed car driving, nothing would happen.
  15. Invisibility it's like the ultimate irl trolling method, some guy could be sitting at a table eating lunch, and I could put a bunch of salt in his drink or something and he'd be all like dafuq????


  16. trust me you wouldn't want to change anything. If you went back and changed ONE LITTLE THING, your life as you know it would be COMPLETELY different. For every action there is a reaction.
  17. Oh and I'd want Hancock's powers. 'nuff said.
  18. [quote name='"Fly Guy"']

    trust me you wouldn't want to change anything. If you went back and changed ONE LITTLE THING, your life as you know it would be COMPLETELY different. For every action there is a reaction.[/quote]

    True but my life already sucks as it is. There's nothing to lose. And if I screw shit up I could always time travel to the very beginning and not travel.

    See what I did there? :cool:

  19. I guess haha

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