If You Could Choose Your Nationality

Discussion in 'General' started by Vir Infractus, Jul 6, 2012.

  1. If you could choose your nationality, what would you choose. I.e. what country do you wish you were born in? If you choose something different from your own, why?

    I am American and I think America, flawed and fucked up as it is, is still the best thing going. If I could choose another nationality, I don't think I would. Australia comes close, but I love my 2nd amendment, so that's out. My ancestry is Irish, but fuck all if I want to go to Ireland.

    So what say you blades? If you could be any nationaltiy, would it be something other than your own?
  2. Imma let you finish but Canada is one of the greatest countries of all time!
  3. USA without a doubt
  4. Wait so we have the choice of just staying our own nationality? I think you should reintroduce the premise that you have to choose a different nationality.

    I'd pick my own if the former was true, if the latter, then I'd probably be Irish because I reckon their accents are considered as widely sexy as ours.
  5. AMURICA!!!! Yes, I'm an American and I speak Amurican. I Wouldn't choose any other place, why? you ask. Well because I fucking love Amurica where the cheeseburgers are big, guns are allowed, you can own land, have more than one kid, and where we are "free" in sone areas. I refuse to leave the country that raised me and showed me love.
  6. Viking. I know, but fuck you I'd be it anyway.
  7. Same ethnicity because I'm fly as fuck but dangg I think it would've been dope if I were born somewhere in Australia- where the crime rate is low and the people are still crazy beautiful.
  8. Syrian...50/50 shot of havin' assassin blood in me, shit would be sweet.:cool:
  9. Anything... As long as theres less hair on me and im not chinese

  10. My curiosity is to know why someone would choose another nationality of their own accord. I actually hypothisized that many Americans would wish to be some other nationality, and I am curious what their reasons may be. And being American I can certainly see why anyone would pick America if they were from somewhere else.

    I am also curious to see if many people from other countries pick America or some other country than their birth country. I guess I am just curious about nationalism in general.
  11. As long as I am white, I'm game for whatever
  12. I'm not gonna lie, I love being Irish for the simple fact that everyone seems to like us.. where ever we go.
  13. North Korea, which everybody knows is best Korea.
  14. I love being Canadian, I wouldn't want to be anything else. BUT. . . If I had to choose a different nationality it would definitely be Irish.
  15. African or Puerto Rican.

    Don't know, just do.

    Or a mix of some sort.
  16. I think I'd go intergalactic and choose Martian, tbh. Would be preferabal compared to any alternative.
  17. Jamaican rastafari/gangsta/jew

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