if you could bring one music artist back to life

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by ytfghmjb, Jun 3, 2009.

  1. hendrix is the best...mother fucka!!! suck it...hes not my favorite, but hes the best
  2. i was more so talking to the other guy night, not you. even if your both hendrix fans you cant deny that hes got about as much musical knowlege as a kid who was born without ear drums.

  3. If you mean that he couldn't read music, you're right. Then again, there are plenty of amazing musicians who weren't trained that way.

    This brings me back to my initial comparison to John Coltrane. Jimi taught himself scales in much the same way as Coltrane; he locked himself in a room and played for hours on end day after day until it was second nature to him. If that's not musical knowledge, I don't know what is.
  4. haha

    no no no no

    the deaf kid joke was to the other poster.

    i have to problem with self taught players, i taught myself guitar and bass but i also took the time to learn theory.
  5. Good ol' Bob Marley or Dimebag Darrell... Can't decide between the two, probabally go more for Dimebag right now but yeah...
  6. Bradley Noell.

    No Question.
  7. I gotta go practice guitar for a few hours myself.
    ill be back later.

    lets just like by gones be by gones.

    but you gotta give it to me that hendrix is a LITTLE overrated, i mean, come on...
  8. Hendrix or Morrison...hmmmmm:confused:

  9. realll? dimebag darrel?...at least you said something that didn't come to mind for me. okay.
  10. Eazy-E or Tupac. I think had either of them lived longer the rap game would be much different today

  11. Hendrix is a legend.

    That doesn't mean you or anyone else has to like him.

    It is what it is, my friend.

    Enjoy rockin' it.

  12. Shawn lane? I LOVE Hendrix but Shawn Lane really set some standards for future guitarist just like Hendrix.....but on a whole nother shit-ton, jesus-fucking, cockball-shitting level:cool:
  13. frank zappa
  14. Haha it was because i was listening to Pantera at the time...
  15. Dont know If someone said this or not because I didnt read through all 7 pages, but I'd say Big L.
  16. Duke Ellington
  17. yes! Gucci and weezy too!
  18. John Bonham, so Led Zeppelin could play all 4!

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