If you are American: Suck it if you don't believe in America.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by HoosierIVXX, Jul 4, 2010.

  1. #1 HoosierIVXX, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2010
    A thread on being proud of the United States of America in the General forum inspired this:

    Amongst all of the discrepancies and arguments we have found with each other in this forum, there can be no debate amongst as to why we care to argue, or even fight about our principles for the this country that we all call home.

    Our viewpoints on policy and rhetoric may be different, regardless of how, we all care about when, where, and why, if at all our country gets better, we mutually care about one thing, our home, the United States of America.

    So in that honor, I say Happy Birthday. We can all at least celebrate that.

    Let all of the Politics forum be united at least once.
  2. arbitrary lines don't make me better or different than any other human being on earth:confused_2:
  3. It just doesn't feel right celebrating independence day. You know, like, fundamentally. Considering tyranny has the modern day peasant by the balls.... "birthday" is fitting, perhaps. Happy birthday?
  4. We have it better than a lot of folks, but at what cost? And is it worth it?
  5. I think it's a good idea for people to celebrate today. I think that because it would be celebrating the events that occurred in 1776 - America getting independence from Britain. And I think America doing that was a good thing and what America stood for then is different from what they do today.

    America does some dumb and horrible things but also does some really great things. Right now the bad times are higher in quantity and worse than usual. But let's celebrate the good we have.

  6. hm.. yes.
  7. I think that American's need to get back to the point where we're not bowing down to the will of the rest of the world.

    Alot of the planet wants us to be ashamed of how we live and do things.

    When in reality we're the greatest nation that ever was.

    We could piss all over the world w/ less consequence than any other nation.

    And the world better fucking know it.

  8. WOW, and you say you studied psychology for 6 years.
  9. No philosophy.

  10. Ohhh man. No wonder a lot of people have something against America.
    You could say Hitler was the most powerful ruler in Germany, does it make him great? Your pretty fucking arrogant for someone simply living in a country.. Good work on that, its a hard task and you should be proud.:rolleyes:

  11. Let me tell you now
    Everybodys talkin bout
    Revolution, Evolution, Mastication, Flagelolation, Regulations.
    Integrations, Meditations, United Nations, Congratulations.

    All we are saying is give peace a chance.
  12. #12 SmokinP, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2010
    But like all empires the US will fall some day and then perhaps you will understand the saying....

    "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"

    The US has already experienced a taste of blowback from your governments actions ie (9/11)..
    When the US does eventually fall there will be a lot of pissed off countries just waiting to put the boot in...

    You should be proud to be American but disgusted and embarrassed by your governments war mongering empire building actions over the last 50 odd years...

  13. Not bloody likely.

    Today we celebrate our 'independence' by tanking up on Arabian oil, and driving to see Chinese fireworks, made in Mexico, while listening to 'God Save The Queen' re-titled, with some different lyrics about fruited plains, while eating American foods like the Frankfurter and the Hamburger, cooked on a barbeque, and listening to some speeches delivered by politicians who say we need more foreign loans to 'bail out' our billionaires.

    But we've still got our god, guts and guns making us what we are today.

    Broke, mean, and greedy, with a touch of delusional.

    There is no one more independent than a heavily armed drunk, crying for its founding fathers wisdom, and selling itself as a savior of the world, while it shits its own pants.

    We hold these truths to be self evident.
  14. America is going downhill. We left a capitalist society take over, it has to go.
  15. Fixed.
  16. #17 PhillGates, Jul 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2010

    1. Letting China own up to over %16.9 of the US national debt
    2. America relying on 57% of oil from other foreign regions
  17. It's weird to be celebrating Independence Day in Hawaii, considering it's original government was overthrown by the US.
  18. Out of all the country's in the world Americas not one of the ones i can be proud to live in.
  19. The US gives out billions in foregin aid every year. I guess were just evil bastards here in the usa.

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