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If weed were to become legal...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by bowserx1, Jul 31, 2012.

  1. Lets just say that overnight, weed became universally legal. Would the perception from non-tokers, about our population, shift from people who break the law, to something similar to people who smoke cigarettes, or would we still be looked down upon by cops and such. Kind of like how it was after slavery ended, African Americans were considered citizens, but were still looked down upon for many years to come.

    What do you think?
  2. Well cigarette smokers are looked down upon. So if we aren't chain smoking joints in outside restaurant areas, people will accept us. Some people wont ever accept us, and those are the people who were taught lies about marijuana early, and never learned the truth. Then of course there are the pushy straightedge people, who force their views on everyone, and will always look down on us. Oh, and then the people who had relatives who started using weed and went on to other drugs and became a train wreck, so they think weed is evil.

    Basically we'll be accepted by people we already like.

    But weed being legal would be the only thing I would care about. If no one could accept me for what I enjoyed doing, I won't care, I'm digging into my stash whenever I feel like it. As a very paranoid person, I dream daily for the legalization of weed. I hope it happens before I'm 30. Oh wow, 10 years from now I'll be 30... sorry, random realization.

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