If weed quit existing

Discussion in 'General' started by tylerzemail, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. What would you do? Would you move to another drug or just quit?:smoking:
  2. salvia for sure. even though i still havent done it yet.
  3. Our world would be a gloomy place without the plant, extinction of anything is a depressing thought. It can never ever come back :(
  4. Salvia doesn't even compare
  5. honestly i would switch to either pills or like acid and shrooms and xtc
  6. Well in the process of benefiting off chemicals contained in a plant they could relate

    But nothing can replace the overall effects of pot :hello:

  7. Pills are a nono I learne the hard way. But xtc and shrooms and acid fr sure
  8. I would just stop there....
  9. Yeah I'd agree there, pills are sketchy and could have any outcome when really earthen grown products like shrooms and cannabis have a pretty moderately same effect on everyone :smoking:
  10. I would maybe do shrooms, but more likely I would just drink, get drunk, and be sad because I remember what it used to be like to get high. Now I need to go take a hit to wipe this depressing thought away
  11. word id would just get drunk and eat shrooms...
  12. Peyote, Shrooms, DMT, Salvia, LSA, LSD, X, Diphenhydramine, and sad weednesslessness :(
  13. I would probably go back to being a drunkard.
  14. Suicide. Seriously. It's the only medication i need/take
  15. I guess I would revert back to my naturally high strung, pissed off self. Man, that would suck.
  16. There is no replacement for weed. None.

    It would be a sad day.
  17. I'd go completely postal. It's a complete wonder why I don't have a body count associated with me, but all I know is that if weed wasnt around me all the time, I would go insane.

    I got lots of rage :mad:

  18. This. Might have to hunt me down some marinol. Thought it just won't be the same. :(
  19. I would shit in my pants and do a summer salt.

  20. You mean summersault :p

    Sister took gymnastics at one point, gotta know these things lol.

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