If there was a Mary Jane Brand cologne, would you wear it? One scent smells like burnt weed like you just hotboxed your car, and the other has the sweeter scent of unburned weed. Neither scents smelling 100% like weed, but just enough to put the thought of weed in the back of the other persons minds with an array of musks or sweeter scents added depending on the persons taste. Assuming the user doesn't spray themselves down like axe, it results in a mild scent which gives off a smell of the most sophisticated joint you ever smelled. You have to admit, the smell of weed smoke smells good on your clothes. What do you guys think, I was thinking of this earlier.
There are several perfumes/colognes which fit that description ... [ame=http://www.amazon.com/Demeter-Cannabis-Flower-Cologne-Spray/dp/B001552XWM]Amazon.com: Demeter Cannabis Flower Cologne Spray 1 oz spray: Health & Personal Care[/ame] and another
No, are you high or something? Then I may get pestered for my stash, do you really want all and sundrie asking you for hookups? Or looking for a gap in the...oh wait, Reddy got there before me, damn.
You guys don't see my vision. It's cool though, there's other great ideas here. wtf?? Glue Cologne - Demeter Glue Fragrance - Glue Perfume Dirt Cologne - Dirt Fragrance - Dirt Perfume Play-Doh Cologne - Playdoh Cologne - Play-Doh Perfume Play doh takes the cake.
Fuck no it would attract all the pigs. I would carry around a little scratch n' sniff thing thy smells like weed so that I can put a smile on my face.
No I do but not everyone likes the scent of weed. Plus it would attract attention from the boys in blue
Maybe if it were something sweet and fruity, like Blue Dream or Super Silver Haze. I couldn't see wearing something that smelt like Skunk even though I love the smell of skunk