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If the cops were to find your plant...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Light, Feb 27, 2009.

  1. Lets say your growing your plant on another block in somebodys backyard. They dont notice. If the cops find it..are they in trouble? and if a surrounding neighbor said it was you then would they have any evidence or anything to charge you for? Just wondering?
  2. Wtf dude thats messed up...
  3. yes. that is really a childish and mean thing to do. never grow on someone elses property. they can get in serious trouble. and i could only hope that you would take the blame so that your unwilling neighbors dont have to.
  4. I know that there are rules on this forum about spreadin the negative vibes, but I've just got to give my 0.02$

    This is probably one of the most immature and selfish things you could do. Growing on someone else's property could mean serious criminal penalties for that person. They could be thrown in jail and have their kids taken to a foster home. You're potentially ruining someone else's life completely by doing this. The police couldn't pin it on you, of course, but the fact that you're willing to let someone else take the fall and ruin their life just so you can get high reveals how pathetic you are. This post disgusts me. People like you are the reason why people discriminate against marijuana users. We don't want or need anyone like you on the City.

  5. I totally agree man...A cold welcome like this is kinda harsh. But, obviously the OP has done this or is considering doing it or he wouldnt have asked that question...So man..that is pretty much as low as you can get. If you have done it..dude go dig that thing up or something...if you haven't : DONT do it.
  6. Not cool
  7. well come to grasscity i hope you enjoyed your warm welcome on this thread, everything that needs to be said has pretty much said, when you are too afraid to grow on your own property (from the sounds of it so you dont get grounded) grow in some wooded area somewhere, but hide them well or you will get busted. its risky but atleast your not setting your neighbors up for getting arrested because of yourself
  8. now that really is fucked up.
  9. loss of cool points. u fail if u do this cuz its selfish and wrong, but ur just askin a i guess no harm
  10. Come grow in my yard boy! They can join the rest of my babies.
    You try cut them down tho and you will loose ya fingers.

  11. The lack of common sense in this question truly makes me believe the TC is no older then 14 years old.
  12. well i understand that you wouldn't want to get busted, but thats just such a shitty thing to do to someone. and if you're in the US, you might want to watch out, people have guns and will shoot others for stepping onto their property, especially in the south from what i'm told.
  13. why on earth would you grow on someone elses property?

    if your doing it not to get busted than your being a douchebag trying to put the pressure on someone else.
    If someone agreed to do it then thats on them.

    If the cops see it YES they will get in trouble (according to the laws in their area) and NO they wont be able to trace it back to you unless that person ratted you out.
  14. If youre too much of a puss to grow it on your own land then go find some public/undeveloped land to do it on. Just cause youre not willing to take the fall doesnt mean you should subjugate someone else to a hefty fine and potential felony conviction.

    And yeah, if someone was able to rat you out you will no doubt go to court for sure. It would be a you say, he says kind of court case...but they could still stick it to you if they can prove probable cause (ie receipts for buying seeds, pass drug use, ownership of paraphernalia, etc...). The people whose land it is are boned too unless they can truly show that they wouldnt have known (which would pretty much be, prove that they are never on the property and would have never noticed because they were out of town or something). And even then they will be somewhat fucked

    You messed up your life and some other people lives.

  15. Truth.
  16. Wow wtf. -rep
  17. sounds like a pretty dick thing to do.
  18. Wow...I love how people are attacking me and assuming that I am doing this when it's completely not. This was a curious question because I heard this is what these two kids were doing at my school.

  19. Dude, if two kids in your school were planning on doing this than why didn't you state that when you asked the question? And you also sound like your some 14 year old bitch planning on growing just so you don't have to use mommy and daddy's hard earned money to buy weed anymore. get the fuck out.

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