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if the cops come what whappens if you just don't answer?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by +AVA-182_Racer, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Ive wondered what i would do in the same situation. But like said before. A cop isnt just going to randomly knock on your door for no reason while your lighting up a bowl. Usually its a noise complaint or something of that nature. So they already know your there. If im having a party, and they knock on my door I would make sure all weed/glass are moved out of the door way. I would probably open the door very slightly, slip out and make sure my friend locks the door behind me. Talk to the cops and get them out of there. My only question is, once the door is open can a cop just barge in? If im opening up the door to come speak with them and they smell weed, can they hold the door open before im done closing it? Thats my only hang up.

    If the cops just happen to randomly knock on my door when I know i havent done anything wrong. Fuckem then, im not home.
  2. Probably not on a State level, but the Feds use it often. Obstruction of Justice is used when you refuse to testify in front of the Grand Jury. If you are called to testify, you can plea the 5th Amendment on the first appearance. They will let you set in jail for a few days then grant you immunity, once they grant you immunity, you have to testify. The 5th Amendment only covers you on the grounds of "self incrimination".

    They also charge people with minimal involvement in a drug Conspiracy to scare them into cooperation. It carries 18 months and is all dead time, no credit time, so you do a flat 18 months. they charge you, keep the indictment sealed, then sentence you and send you to a FCI hoping the razor wire and fences will scare you into testifying. See, it is the perfect time, for you do not just adjust to being in prison, the 1st year is kind of rough, it is not until about 2 yrs in you begin to adjust and basically begin the becoming "institutionalized" process. So at 18 months you are either sick and tired of it, or on your way to adjusting, so you may be more willing to cooperate.

    I am not sure of all states, but I know in my home state, they can charge you for obstruction for simply talking shit or standing in between a cop and a person he is trying to arrest. It happens in domestic violence cases all the time.

    The best thing to do is answer the door and ask what their business is. They will ask first thing "may we step in" which you reply "after you state your business here". If you say not without a warrant, then you appear to be hiding something in their minds. If you ask for them to state their business or inquire about who they are looking for, then you are standing your ground without appearing to be suspicious.
  3. If you open the door, you're risking the cop saying he smells weed, he could even LIE and smelling weed is probable cause, and next thing your house is getting searched. If you don't open the door, they can't say they smell weed, even if they do they can't say its coming from your house, it would never hold up in court.

    There's one guy who just opened his door and police said they smelled weed and entered his house, got his whole grow taken down.
  4. Its all based on why the cops coming. If your being loud as fuck and its pretty clear that your home why would you try and hide at that point? If you did nothing wrong and are chillin in your bed and it looks like you could be out, fuck that just dont answer if they get a warrant let them bust in and make fools of themselves
  5. Talk about answering your own question.

    If you won't open the door, won't cooperate with the police, and clearly want to conceal your property/something within your property, and you play the "you need a warrant" line, then I can't think for a second how this isn't just going to make them more determined to come back with one and really do you.

    Sure it's within your legal rights, but you need to think about what it looks like, really.
  6. i'm always afraid that when i'm listening to music i won't hear people knock on my door (headphones not speakers) but i suppose it might be better, plus its a good excuse if questioned later (though i'm thinking more in the case of RAs, its similar.)

  7. This is what I said, forgot to add that it only takes about 15 minutes to get a warrant. You'll save yourself a lot of time money and a door if you just talk to them.
  8. Apologies for repeating what you said then.

    Yeah, and in 15 minutes can you get all of the smell out and hide it well enough etc? Chances are if they go for a warrant, they will come back and look all over for this thing you were obviously trying to hide. Not to mention if there's 2 of them as usual, one could wait and watch over the house so you don't leave with it?
  9. I am amazed with how stupid these posts are.

    If you talk through a side window or through the door asking who it is and why they are there, the cops can not do anything without a warrant.

    Now someone will say well, it's sketchy. Guess what? A warrant can not be obtained by saying "I tried to talk to this guy, he cooperated by talking to me, but he didn't come outside or even open the door. This seemed sketchy to me, he could be hiding something. I believe this constitutes us to enter his house and search!"

    Politely speak to them through a window on either side of a door, or an upstairs window. Ask them what they want, and if they ask to come in, just ask them to state their business.

  10. That's exactly what i think. The way i do things with cop's is i just tell them the truth all of the time. If you get caught lieing to a cop, your in deep shit and more times than not the cop will go easier on you since you've been co-operative.

    Like i said in the beginning, great way to inspire a warrant.
  11. never had this problem. id probably talk to them and tell them my house is a disaster and my girlfriends underwear are all over the place., its a realy good excuse because no one wants guests in their home when its messy, just give them some stupid reason. if you be a dick itl make them suspichous.
  12. Lets tell the cops you cant come in? Pretty obvious something illegal is inside if you only open the door a crack and ask if they have a warrant and if they say no you close the door like hello! I know if i was a cop id know somethings up right away it doesnt take a genius to know that.

    Worst advice ive ever heard dont follow that.
  13. please speak to a lawyer all of these posts are completely wrong for the most part you do not have to answer the door and it dosent take 15 mins to get a warrant and to get a warrant there must be PROBABLE CAUSE such as suspision of ongoing illegal activity backed up by informants claiming there is illegal activity going on at such a place and an informant is not a neighbor smelling pot it is someone involved in the illegal activity that has first hand knowlege again i repeat speak to a lawyer they know what they are talking about and lying to a cop on your doorstep is not i repeat IS NOT obstruction of justicewhat is obstruction of justice is if they take you down to they station and mirandanize you which means reads you your rights and you are placed under custody and you KNOWINGLY give false information then thats ObstructionAGAIN SPEAK TO A LAWYER NOT POSTS ON GC
  14. hah yeah, unless you're suspected of doing something ridiculously illegal like a grow op or selling quantities out of your home, not answering the door or coming outside isnt even close to grounds for a warrant. I dont know how many people here are basing their "warrant in 15 minutes the second something is strange" idea off of what they see in Law and Order episodes.

    Yeah not answering the door can look suspicious but guess what, you still have rights and one of those rights specifically is protection against illegal search and seizure. You are the owner of your house, you legally decide who can come in and when the door is to be unlocked and opened. Police cannot obtain a warrant to search your house on the grounds that they didnt like the way you still answered all of their questions. Yes it might look pretty suspicious, but thats it. Unless you are responsible for some larger crimes that the police are looking into, answering the polices questions from inside is just weird, not warrant worthy.

    Also in the event you maybe were just smoking a bowl or something and the cops knock randomly because of something in the area, you really have absolutely nothing to worry about when it comes to warrants. Obviously either dont answer the door if you could play like youre out or asleep, or you could answer it after making sure nothing is visible from the front door and there is no stench of it.

    Sometimes its good to be paranoid, but there definitely is waaay too much of it going on
  15. First of all, the cops won't be able to get a warrant if you're just smoking weed in your own fucking house. What would a judge say? "Oh, some lazy pothead was smoking a joint and watching cartoons? FUCK THAT SHIT ARREST HIM." Secondly, when the cops came to my door about some robbery that happened in my neighborhood, I just told them that my mom wasn't home and I'm 15. They said thanks and left. I didn't open the door and they didn't get a warrant. They also didn't find it odd that I didn't open the door.

    FFS people, stop being so paranoid.
  16. if your smokin and here the 5 o at the door putall your parephenalia away. and talk to them at the door. if you tell them to fuck right off and get a warrent theres a good chance theyll think you got a grow going or something.

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