If she isnt down how do i get her to be

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by MostDope561, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Theres this girl ive been texting im kinda into her and i wanna ask her out but the deal breaker at this point is finding out if she smokes weed. How can i ask her this and if she says no how do u think i could get her to at least try it. Shes into sports and all that stuff so i dont really think she would be but i am a "smoker" and if she'd be down to smoke with me occasionally it'd just be perfect,
  2. Be real. End of story. If she doesn't like/want to try it, then I personally wouldn't attempt to get close with a subject that isn't currently regarded as important in her life.

    Not saying that you shouldn't try, just saying if she says no, then just move from there.

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