This has probably been answered before... but ive never been in this section and I was just wondering... if Obama is elected will we see a national medical bud program or anything like looser laws???? Thanks and excuse me if its an old topic
He hasn't been all to clear on that, actually. Send him a letter asking him, "if you had been arrested or served the maximum penalty for smoking marijuana when you were younger, would the country be better off today?"
You never really know, because if he does want to change things significantly it probably wouldn't be in his best interest to talk about it too much, it would make all the brainwashed peoples turn against him.
Federal views on marijuana will probably never change. At least not in the near future. That stuff is up to state governments.
Search YouTube....there are so many videos of Obama completely avoiding weed issues in the U.S. He cannot decide.
I found this: I doubt that there will be any federal law change in the upcoming years, but he has stated that raiding marijuana clinics is not a high priority, and as more states vote it into state law, that could have a big effect in the future. This is it. This a far cry from legalization but it's a start... like a baby step. But hopefully with an influential president promoting sensible punishment for posession laws (if that's possible) more people will be able to go through "rehab" programs instead of facing jail time. I suppose it's better than nothing. But don't get your hopes up for anything more effective. He might end raids on medical marijuana clinics in pro-MM states... but the federal government shouldn't have that power anyway, so that's not an impressive display of restraint. But ultimately, he's a prohibitionist... so he sucks.
he has stated that it is a waste of federal resources to raid medicinal marijuana dispensaries. you can bet your ass that he will change things for us. its incredible how the democrats have become the fiscally responsible bunch. the federal issues with medicinal use has held back most states from pushing any initiatives, so an obama administration would certainly open up the states abilities to decide for themselves how to treat their patients. that would almost 100% for sure bring about a huge wave of new states into the "green" collum
The country isn't in the right place for a major candidate from either party to be pro legalization yet. Detractors would have a field day which would effectively end any real shot at getting elected. The best thing to hope for with Obama and weed is that he'll lean on the DEA to stop raiding MMJ collectives and patients.
Did he say that he can't decide though? Obama may be smarter than any candidate so far by changing his views with what the popular opinions about topics are for the week. You realize that at least 50% of the U.S. is brainwashed right wing conservatives and for Obama to win he needs a nice chunk of those votes. So what is he to do? To avoid any permanent decision politically so that he can win the election and THEN state his policies. You can't argue with dirty and almost-arrogant talking republican party who claims year after year that liberals promote "big government". Are you kidding? If I was running for president, I would do exactly what Obama is doing. Making people want change and a new congress but not stating any political moves or decisions that he would make while being president. It would make sense to tell democrats (who will listen) about his political opinions at the DNC but especially not during the debates (soon to come) because Obama needs every vote.
He said a LONG time ago, like right at the beginning of him deciding to run that he was in favor of decriminalization...then backed out of that stance once he realized he actually had a shot at running. Typical shit. I've got a new slogan for the Obama campaign...False Hope!
I think you would be able to find false hope in more of what Palin said at the RNC last night. It was basically all trash talking and the same recycled stuff from years previous. And also, nothing has even happened yet. No one is in office. No one won yet. It's pretty bold claim to say that what the democrats have to offer is "false hope". If it WAS false hope, you would know only AFTER Obama got into office, no?
It's politics man...the whole concept, at least here in America, is based on false hope. I just feel like Obama is just talking a big game that he won't be able to back up.
Unfortunately, I don't blame your way of thinking. Not at all. I'm even going to give you +rep for saying that, man. Because you brought up a good point. From all the years of propaganda that has been slung from both the democrats and republicans over the years, it's hard to TRULY believe anyone from any party anymore. Who's to say Obama isn't full of shit? He may well be, but he is damn convincing if so. I think that eventually, our country is going to see some change. If Obama does win and has DRASTIC agenda changes, I think all of us are going to get a foot in the mouth. I feel you, I don't want to get behind someone that is going to fall behind their promises. But since Obama has done so much "flip-flopping" (according to the media and republicans), it is hard to see what he is up to. However, he may be the smartest man running for president to date, or he may be playing the old hat game of lie lie lie and then do something else.
I doubt it. Obama was pro-legalization (or at least decriminalization) during the fight for the Democratic nomination for some extra support in a less heavily watched contest against Hillary with a far more liberal base he needed to appeal to. Once he got the nomination, that was the end of pro-marijuana talk because he doesn't need to sway any more liberals to his side, and instead has to pick up conservative votes who are more likely to oppose MJ. If he wins the election, he's going to have to fight against a lot of conservative policies and politicians, and I highly doubt that he'll use any of his political capital on this issue.
True, if Obama is as "evil" as many speculate, he just said he would be pro-legalization to get liberals on his side. However, no one is for sure certain what will happen so we may be pleasantly surprised? Or we may not. But time and time again he has been asked about legalization and his general response is positive. It is usually something like "our resources need to be utilized better than fighting the losing war on drugs". This satisfies republican and democratic views without stating what he is going to do about it. It's a smart move on his part, I think.
You bring up a good point: how many other major candidates have said positive things about ending the drug war and protecting medical marijuana while being "just a heartbeat away from the White House"?
Also a good point. He is trying something new that our country has never seen before, a candidate for president being QUIET about what his agenda is, but at the same time being reassuring that he is going to make the right decisions. I think all this republican opposition against Obama stems from the fact that, in essense, Obama is everything that the Republican party is against. I mean everything. He isn't following "protocol" that a candidate should follow, and I think just that alone is the smartest move any candidate has ever made.