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If not a pube, could this be a parasite?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by superdupertoke, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. [ame=]YouTube - DSCF4700[/ame]
    Last answers were its either a pube or a pube off the balls of a rat. Any other suggestions? Any parasites that are worm like and almost invisible unless under microscope?
  2. Smoke it and tell us how it tastes
  3. even if it's a parasite, it's so little it doesn't even matter. It'll burn up and die and it's so little that it won't even add any carcinogen hardly, and no weird taste

    just smoke it.

    unless you're gonna use it in edibles... then You might want to just idk... take it out?
  4. No taste, but theres prolly 5-6 of them ive now run across. They seem to have the same exact look of a hair or micro fiber, but what from? What would produce hairs that small?
  5. Idk. There are thousands upon thousands of different parasites and other microscopic organisms in the world. I remember doing some stuff in class on all the different kinds of micro organisms, and they said a # they have of all the known ones....

    but regardless, unless you want to do actual research on it, you have 2 options:
    To smoke, or not to smoke.

    like I said. probably harmless since you'll be obliterating them in a fiery blaze.
    But if you don't wanna try. then don't.

    and I hope you've separated it from the rest of your stash
  6. Of .5g, .2 was contaminated. With tweasers I wasnt able to even see them to pluck but im not able to use the tweesers while using the microscope. I just let the flame take care of it, thanks.
  7. let us know if you develop a terminal illness
  8. Gee, no regrets now, fuck. Im so gone right now so I will ask, is that possible to?????
  9. And if not, fuck you for scaring me but funny
  10. shouldn't be possible at all lol. sorry about that

    basically lighting it on fire eliminates any chance of that. that's how they sterilize a lab if a deadly virus gets out. BOOM!!
  11. Phew, Feel like a tard but you had me going there. Apparently the pube doesnt affect potency :bongin:
  12. ah well... if it was a fungus it could have made you trip lol
    but any part that wasn't burned when inhaled could also make you inhale spores if it was mature enough to be noticeable without a microscope

    actually yeah it could have been a fungus.

    don't worry though, at that level of maturity there's no harm to your health

    but if you ever see that again and it's more than that, toss that shit out
  13. Thanks again for the advice. There were very few contaminants, but all the infected smoke was thrown in a bowl which is being burned right now.
  14. no problemo. but if you notice any hairs like that again, tell your dealer or dispensary about it and show them, especially if it's soon after buying. they might feel obliged to hook you up or get you a refund:smoke:
  15. Good idea as well, Id convince em it was a pube and make them feel they owe me some and extra hahaha

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