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if my grandmother

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Koja, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. if my grandmother had schizophrenia does that mean that i should not smoke weed ?
  2. Smoke all you want.

    That study was bogus.
  3. No, just smoke.
  4. #6 tharedhead, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2010

    Look at the plus side...Even going by that rather lurid chart your risk is only slightly higher than the general population.:)
    If this is something which concerns you, prehaps seeing a therapist and having some testing may help.

    Are you sure your grandmother was correctly diagnosed? Have you met her?

    A lot of times family members will refer to someone as "schizophrenic" using the term as a sort of "catch all" phrase for mental illness. When actually the person they are talking about was bipolar, or had post partum depression or a depressive psychosis....not schizophrenia.

    Schizoaffective disorder: Tests and diagnosis -
  5. smoking weed has nothing to do with your granny.
  6. That would be for things like LSD and but if you get schizophrenia then you were going to get it no matter what regardless of what you do its just if you do stuff like LSD it can make it happen sooner.
  7. im schizophrenic and I smoke weed all day everyday.. and I do my share of acid too, whats that mean?
  8. I've had a thought, and keep in mind, I'm not a physician, or a doctor, or any sort of professional, but I think that using psychedelics could be beneficial to people with schizophrenia.

    Schizophrenics have a higher blood-count of DMT, a psychedelic and a (theorized) scizotoxin. DMT is a very powerful psychedelic, responsible for dreams and other altered states. Those unfamiliar, and unguided while entering into an altered state (such as schizophrenia) could be very frightened by the experience, which would probably not help the situation.

    One more experienced in the inner space can manage to safely and soundly guide themselves around this space, due to their experience. So, by using psychedelics before the disease makes its full onset, I theorize that one could familiarize themselves with altered states, and, essentially, be able to function through them better than one with no previous experiences.

    This is all theory, though, and the direct opposite may be true.
  9. I have heard many bad things about people with schizophrenia developing worse issues. But everytime I hear it, it was about young people, whos brains were still developing and in the high stages of puberty. So if your over 21, dont worry. And if your under 21, I would still smoke weed, but its your risk man. gl
  10. I can vouch for your theory, psychedelics have defiantly benefited me while dealing with my mind. Its odd that you say what you did because that's what my view is on drugs, just another mindset just like psychosis.. If it wasn't for the other mindsets I have experienced I would defiantly not be able handle the other ones I throw at myself.
  11. It only means you have a genetic predisposition. Smoking weed will not increase your risk.
  12. Magic Mushrooms were the original treatment for schizophrenia.

    So if you want to treat your schizo. Eat a half gram of shrooms aday. Thats how they treated people back in the days of your granny.

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