If legal would you smoke more ,less or the same?

Discussion in 'General' started by STARTED2LATE, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. I will most likely have more on hand due to it being legal and most likely cheaper. Some days i can say i would smoke more however most days will probably be the same as it is now.
  2. I'd probably smoke more as I don't have a car and I hate having to incorporate other people in my illegal activities. Plus I would make more edibles, tinctures, hashish, etc.

    The legality never really concerned me
  3. The biggest change for me is I would be able to do growing in the way that I would like to. No stealth shit and no stressing about the law or people finding out. Just me and my plants and at that point I would feel confident enough to start breeding because I would be able to have more space & freedom to allow a room for males.
  4. before you step in my house you'll catch a contact!!! if i get rich i'll be high for the rest of my life lmao

    then i'll make a movie called Super High Me: FOREVER!!!
  5. It wouldn't have any effect on my use. I can already get it whenever I want and its alllll fire.
  6. right now its 48% yes

    42% no

    something like that, more and more people are wanting it legalized.
  7. make this a poll
  8. If weed legalizes, I'm going to wear a leopard print man thong, stand at the capitol and hit a 6ft bong while playing "Purple Haze" by Jimi Hemdrix.
  9. I'd smoke A LOT more. I don't smoke now because im just too paranoid, and going though dudes you hardly know to blaze just isn't cool. Once it's legalized, I'll be smoking everyday :D

  10. kinda contradicted yourself there buddy:cool:
    but on topic, I would probably smoke a lot more because of the inevitable price drop in bud.
  11. Id see myself smoking more during the daytime instead of the morning/night thing I'm doing. Like ill smoke before school and before bed

  12. where can i buy tickets?
  13. admission is free my friend.
  14. legalization would make it cheaper + better quality! Since it wouldn't have to be ported around by several people and would be handeled more openly not packed down and hidden.

    Ok...so better quality is a better high? So maybe the same =p
    I'd prob do it a bit more because we could do it openly and socially.
  15. I dunno. it'd be around the same. Except I'd -always- have bud, and never be dry... Like I am now, smoking resin..
  16. This this this this this this!!!! :D
  17. probably less cause then theyd tax it and i have NO MONEY!
  18. With tax it'd be around the same as street prices.
  19. And if you don't like the price you will be allowed to grow your own.
  20. MORE! lol i will smoke more since i wont be afraid cops will catch me doing something ilegal :) and i already love it so much and cant do it as much so if it is legal i will do it more :p

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