If I were the President...

Discussion in 'Politics' started by greenflier, Sep 19, 2011.

  1. Star with: If I were the President...then go one tell us what you would do.

    If I were the President I would make an executive order bringing back all the troops from over seas, I mean all of them, except from what is necessary (embassies and stuff like that). I would pull all combat troops and get out of everyone's shit. They hate us for being is their shit, and we would too if it happened to us. What if we had people from on the other side of the fucking planet come in and be in our shit and blow up our homes and roads. We'd say fuck that too, just like they are doing to us.

    I'd do that and say giant fuck you to all those fucking private military corporations we'd keep outsourcing a fucking war too. We are fucking paying taxpayer money to pay private companies that kill people and wage war for PROFIT. If we have a necessary war why don't we give some of that money to our real troops that get paid like jack shit. Without the wars we wouldn't have all this bullshit about accidently funding our own enemies to fucking fight us, and dealing with some corrupt mother fuckers. We could put some of this war money into good uses like education, maybe fly to fucking mars idk.

    Just because we are a world power doesn't mean we control the fucking world. We may have a strong diplomatic say in things but it doesn't mean we run the fucking show

    National Security? Safety? We wouldn't have this problem if we minded our own business. Look at all the peaceful countries in the world, they don't have their hands in other peoples bags.

    Anyways I could go on about a bunch of stuff, that's what I would do if I were the President.

    /end rant
  2. If I were the President I'd fuck Scarlett Johansson and grow mass amounts of bud all up in the White House and on the lawn. I'm talking a jungle, and then I'd sell it at the front gate and call it my 2011 Organic Stimulus Package.
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  3. This. This is exactly what we, as Americans need. You sir have my vote in November.

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