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If I were diagnosed with clinical depression

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by zamrambo, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Would that qualify me as a medical marijuana patient?

    I'm not just snooping for ways to cheat the system, I live in a non-medical state (IL).

    For the longest time I've had panic attacks about once every few days usually coupled with or brought on by rather chronic depression.

    I'm meeting with a counselor for the first time tomorrow after bottling these things up inside for years.

    Does anyone on here have a card for depression? If so how effective is it?
  2. I used to have awful panic attacks when I was blazing, since I stopped they stopped as well. Just a thought.
  3. No

    The state doesn't have formal medical marijuana laws set up in place. I know here in Wisconsin, the few people that have it have dibilitating diseases. When we tried to pass our bill, I got to meet a few people with MS and others with various cancers.
  4. I was speaking as if I were to live in a medical marijuana state.

    I was simply saying that I'm not looking for an excuse to cheat the system because I don't even live in a MMJ state, that's all.

  5. Sorry for misunderstanding, man. I also have clinical depression and I believe that a few of the states list depression as a cause for medical marijuana. California, Washington, and maybe Colorado. I'm not 100% on those, either.

    Stay lifted, man :smoke:
  6. No big deal man.

    What have your experiences been with cannabis and depression?

    I find that when I smoke I'm just an all-around happier person (duh). I'm more social, more relaxed, I don't think about the things that typically send me into a paralyzing panic attack.
  7. I'm in California and my hubby has depression and neuropathic pain as his qualifying conditions. Other states are more restrictive.

    As for how well it works, well, the hubby has been through a laundry list of anti-depressants and NOTHING has worked as well as cannabis. On the pills, he seemed to get either no effects, or he was a zombie! :( Neither was acceptable. So we "got legal"! Problem solved! :D

    Granny :wave:

  8. Thanks!

    I'm not sure if I want to have to go through rounds of anti-depressants. I don't like the idea of taking synthetic drugs to alter my mood. There's just something about it that makes me worry that I'll turn into like you stated, a zombie.

    Granted I've never tried them, but smoking marijuana has worked wonders for me. It takes my mind off of the things I obsess about and puts me at ease. The first few times I wasn't prepared and let the rapid heart rate and dry mouth throw me into panic attacks. Since then I'm able to just smoke and relax my mind.
  9. After meeting with the counselor today I feel slightly better.

    She stated that a lot of the people she meets with that also suffer anxiety and depression like mine also tend to smoke marijuana for relief.

    She did ask how I felt about medication, and I let her know of my apprehensiveness towards drugs and feeling like it would cause me to be a "fake" image of myself.

  10. I feel better about myself. I'm able to go through my day without feeling like complete and utter shit. I'm able to talk to people and be social. I actually eat. For the first time in years, I can truly say I'm happy.

    My medication that I was on made my stomach hurt and gave me headaches. I didn't feel like myself, either. I felt like somebody totally different.

    I hope marijuana helps you in the same way it helps me now. I have this bracelet I got at Harvest Fest downtown this year. It says "Marijuana is Medicine." I wear it every day and I have people asking how it's medicine and I tell them the same thing I told you.

    Good luck with all of your endeavors
    and may you always find true happiness, no matter what. :)

  11. But inhaling burning plant matter doesn't bother you? I'm not saying don't smoke nor am I saying smoking is bad (as that would be completely hypocritical), but take it from someone who would have been dead ten years ago if it weren't for modern medicine, it's worth a try. You could always stop taking it if it doesn't work or you don't like it.
  12. I got nothing against modern medicine- but I still read the enclosures to learn all about the side effects and precautions! One thing you can say about cannabis, it is darn safe!

    My brother does just fine on his Welbutrin, but it made my hubby a zombie.

    Granny :wave:
  13. I was too a zombie. Welbrutin made me feel like shit! I think it actually made things worse. I think I tried 3 or 4 different ones and nothing worked as well as cannabis does now.
  14. I've tried many, welbutrin I took the longest, and to me that stuff is not good. Also tried cymbalta, prozac and paxil, cymbalta being the worst of all of them. I have coping mechanisms I now use, but being that I have suffered from some serious boughts of depression and have been a regular smoker for years, it will not lift you from a clinical depression. It may help, but for me it is not a cure all, nor are prescriptions. It is awesome for a slight depressive mood disorder though and helps my ridiculous temper like nothing else ever could.

  15. low tolerance after your tolerance builds for the first time you wont have them again
  16. Anti-depressant medications tend to make you feel better for a while then you feel like shit for just as long. Im on paxil and mary jane is 100x better imo without the harsh side effects.
  17. I was arrested recently for possession, which basically forced me to break the news to my mother. She worries about me, because I have relatives that got into drugs and have ended up in horrible life situations, prison, and in one case even dead.

    Do you think I should try to explain to her why I was smoking? I would never just smoke to "get high", and I never smoked any time other than later at night. It was after all of my schoolwork was done and when my mind tended to wander and lead to anxiety.
  18. zam seeing as the medical bill failed by seven votes earlier this month, (and that was only for chronically ill patients) we won't be seeing Medical MJ anytime soon around here. i definitely would stay away from the anti-depressants, pharmaceutical companies are the devil.

    it kinda makes me smile man just hearin' about your situation you almost sound like me a few years back.:smoke:
  19. This article from WebMD, a very respectable medical site, might help-

    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults (news - 2010)
    Teen Pot Smoking Won't Lead to Other Drugs as Adults


    Study of 4000 indicates marijuana discourages use of hard drugs. (news - 2008)
    Study of 4000 indicates marijuana discourages use of hard drugs.

    Merck Manual - Marijuana (Cannabis) (excerpt - 2008)
    Marijuana (Cannabis): Drug Use and Dependence: Merck Manual Professional

    Some go without a cigarette: characteristics of cannabis users who have never smoked tobacco. (full - 2007)
    Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med -- Some Go Without a Cigarette: Characteristics of Cannabis Users Who Have Never Smoked Tobacco, November 2007, Suris et al. 161 (11): 1042

    Teens who use only cannabis appear to function better than those who also use tobacco (news - 2007)
    Teens who use only cannabis appear to function better than those who also use tobacco

    Characteristics of Adolescents Who Use Cannabis But Not Tobacco
    (news - 2008)
    Characteristics of Adolescents Who Use Cannabis But Not Tobacco

    Cannabis Use Not Linked with Psychosocial Harm (news - 2004) - Preserving Ancient Knowledge

    This is just a rat study, but the implications for humans is pretty clear- especially when combined with the "4,000" study.

    Adolescent Exposure to Chronic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Blocks Opiate Dependence in Maternally Deprived Rats (abst - 2009)
    Neuropsychopharmacology - Abstract of article: Adolescent Exposure to Chronic Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Blocks Opiate Dependence in Maternally Deprived Rats

    And then there's this-

    Oaklanders Quitting Oxycontin with Cannabis (news - 2010)
    Oaklanders Quitting Oxycontin with Cannabis | Legalization Nation

    It is exposure to unscrupulous, multi-drug dealers that leads to harder drugs, not cannabis! And have Mom read the side effects for any anti-anxiety med! (You can easily look up the warning pamphlets on the net.) Cannabis is FAR safer!

    See the "Addiction", "Safety", "Quitting other Drugs" and "Children/Young Adults" sections for more!

    Now, will you guys stop fooling around and get your own copy of my list? (email's in the bottom of my sig) You should have it on your desktop, so you can call it up when you end up in these situations and need the information fast!

    Granny :wave:
  20. If you have diagnosed clinical depression, don't be afraid to try medication for the reason that it makes you "a fake image of myself". The right antidepressant makes you feel normal and good, not fake or zombied,, whereas even the best moodlifting of marijuana also impairs you and makes you stoned (which is pretty fake, you have to admit). Trust me, I'm 46 and I've been juggling the psychotropic drug/marijuana thing for 25 years. Don't discount meds.

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