Hey guys, just wondering what everyone thought of everyones elses' sigs that ive made. So if i have made you a sig, just post in this thread so everyone can see it and comment, tell me what u think can make it better, or if u think its "Perfekt" . Thanks! ~Perfekt
boodeblahahalbahaa!!!! yea, i got some energy thanks both Perfekt AND Cam for making me sigs in the past week
Okay, so I was looking at the sig... I really like it... but I didn't notice until just a minute ago that there's a 'hint' of a marijuana leaf in the background. Right on! Thanks Perfekt!
Hey man. This sig is awesome. I could have photoshopped one, but im not very skilled with the brushes ^-^ Thank YOU!
ive been doing PS for about 2 years and its pretty much a hobby to help with my design. I just recently got into web design, so i need all the practice i can get. So people telling me what they want helps a lot, cuz thats what my customers will be doing. Ur sig will done soon . ~Perfekt