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If I Dont Smoke I Cry Myself To Sleep

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by TheCoolest420, Jun 16, 2013.

    Not only that, it's just Pure Bullying and Ego boosting for people who are so self righteous and pompous in saying "its all about whether you are Good or Evil, Moral or Immoral".
    and yet usually those saying that are "evil and immoral" the most themselves.
    Atleast the ones admitting to these issues see that it's something going on, they recognize it because they have a good heart inside. Others will merely deny it.

  2. #22 Non, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2013
    "yeah suck it up man don't be a fucking pussy what do you want, girls to hate you?"
    "don't act feminine/gay bro"
  3. #23 Non, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2013
    Weed/marijuana is highly feminized herb often with an undesirable THC/CBD ratio.
    Besides that there can be many risks one takes buying it from a street dealer.
  4. I smoked from age 13 to 20, every day, at least 2 grams per day. When I quit, I experienced no side effects, no "withdrawls" or any emotions magnified. I quit on my own accord, not because I had to, but because I wanted to focus all of my effort and attention and what matters most to me; my life. I started back up when I was 24, because I chose to, not because I had some stupid obligation in my head that I "needed it" enhance a life I, myself, had improved dramatically.
    Now, not everyone is the same, but if you want to blame a plant for the choices you make, the actions you display and the problems you have, feel free. Doesn't mean you're right and it makes you look like a fool to have an inanimate object that has no physically addicting properties as far as I know, run your life. You might be used to the habit of consuming cannabis, but withdrawl?'re confusing withdrawl with a common temper tantrum, usually associated with infants/toddlers and spoiled brats when they don't get their way.
    Yeah, quote something I didn't say. Great logic there. If you want me to define what I mean when I make a statement, try asking and not putting words in my mouth, or are you one of those people who likes to add details to a story to make yourself look like "a winner" in a general conversation? I agree with your next comment about contaminates added by street dealers. Simply put, I would not consume cannabis if I had any question whether what I was consuming was tampered with. If you KNOW it has been tampered with or fear it has, don't just point at cannabis as the problem. It would be what's added to it that is causing the problems. If you're experiencing what was stated in the original post and nothing is in it, you need to take control of your life, plain and simple.
  6. Do you know the difference between addiction and dependecy?
    Well, addiction is how much a certain substance makes you want to keep doing it again because it's pleasurable, you want to keep doing it, over and over again until eventually if continued it causes receptor downregulation. So more, cannabinoids required to get a person high. Which means, a person can actually have a sort of Cannabinoid Deficiency for some time after quitting.
    Dependency is when a substance causes withdrawals such that a person keeps taking it to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
    Marijuana/weed is high in addictiveness (YES!) and low to medium in dependency depending on stress.
    However cigarettes is supposed to be high in dependency... I had more trouble quitting marijuana than organic tobacco so :/.
    So just because it was easy for you to quit doesn't mean it should be that way for everyone...
    and you dont know exactly why poeple may have it hard. It doesn't help to demean them and suggest they are being "wimpy or weak" or "feminine" etc.
    That's just defeatism.
  7. #27 Non, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2013
    This is just how it sounds like. No actually it would seem your condescending words, or "implications" seems more like you are adding details to YOUR story to make you look like a "better man".
    Of course, maybe you have good intentions, and if this is so then I would think you don't mean the things you say and only r epeat them because it is "normal" and "common" for you.
    I however don't think it's normal and should not be very common to bully and insult people in such a way.
    No one likes to be slandered.
    Bullying is not my intention. Different people respond to different ways of encouragement. You may not see encouragement in the way I displayed my words, but I want anyone who is "down in a hole" to get better. No one "deserves" to go through what is being displayed here. He/she, obviously, needs to fix some things and I am encouraging them to take control and fix those things to improve their quality of life. Not everyone has to consume cannabis in this world. It's not for everyone. If stopping for a bit to sort out other things and, in turn, making the bigger picture better is what it will take, then do it. "Man up" is just a simple term to take control and deal with things that need to be dealt with. I'm not questioning their sexuality, the size of their testicles or implying they're a horrible person. Everyone needs to take charge of their lives so that they can experience as little stress as possible in their own ideal scenarios and situations.
    Ah... right.
    Wells, if it wasn't for your choice of words...
    I just think there is a lot of deception that runs rampant in our society, and it's not always obvious. So I tend to question a LOT of things.
    Though I have had a problem with keeping cool and collected at times. Why? Because often people are targetted for no good reason whatsoever.
    Anyways... I think IT IS kind of ironic though. You saying to "man up" when in actuality these are symptoms of hormonal imbalance which is fairly common in heavy marijuana/weed abusers.
    I would suggest anything that helps to deal with this.
    Besides that also.. when I stopped using marijuana after a long habit of using daily, and "my" WEED DEALER was not the best. I say "my" because I got most of my marijuana for free from someone else' dealer. Right now enough is enough and I'm not going back to that shit. Giving me chemical ridden stuff while keeping the good stuff to himself. Even when I got fairly good smelling stuff can I really trust it? And with all the research I've done, can I even trust Anything that comes from a street dealer?  Can I trust that always smoking and cooking marijuana is just benign? I felt, stupid for quite a while after quitting. Right now I feel this as well and I just quit.
  11. #31 Non, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2013
    It is REALLY hard to address some of the bogusness in this society without getting slandered oneself.
  12. #32 Non, Jun 16, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
    I just don't agree with that "man up" stuff ... atleast not in the ways many people use it, or if it can be considerd "excess". Regardless if it's considered common.
    So many things in this society are common yet still very fucked up.
    I just see, a lot of people that say the same thing. People who smoke pot and end up getting hurt are 9/10 blamed for it., often with the same stuff "the person is just weak, the person is 'immoral' (more like an implication), the person is being a Bitch, Feminine, Coward" etc etc. The person is blamed for it and is tortured thereafter. It's not right.
    Every person is unique.
    Besides being unique, everyone's life is unique.
  13. I'm not saying I completely disagree with you. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Some of yours I do agree with, some I don't. That's one of the many beauties of life.
    Anyway, this will be my last post in here. I feel like our little back and forth, while still remaining somewhat on topic, is detracting from the OP. Maybe some others can chime in. Regardless, I didn't post in here to throw around insults & attacks. Some people need to be babied (lack of a better word. Maybe pampered?) and others need to be told and instructed in order to help themselves. The human mind is a very complex thing and different personalities, traits, what have you, obviously will help indicate what a certain "type" of person might be more likely to respond to. Hard to do that on the internet, where most of the interactions with one another is limited to a single post or two, without ever engaging in a serious conversation.
    Hopefully this issue gets resolved and the OP can keep putting one foot in front of the other.
  14. #34 Non, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
    Sometimes things in life can be quite stressful. For example, when in some person's life it seems All is fraud, it can be quite stressful. Not everyone sees All life as being fraud though, when every situation in their lives is like the Truman Show, Truly. That's how I felt.
    That's now how OP may feel but the point Im trying to make is that everyone is unique, every life is unique. and judging a person or suggesting the person is just weak when the person may just be going through uniquely hard times and isn't just being a 'pansy'... is defeatism. Yes not everyone will learn by being beaten into submission. Some will just Have to learn for themselves, the reasons why they must do things. They must learn the connections between the higher and lower, and not just shut up, or be in meditative zen like state keeping thoughts down... some people have to learn the why perhaps for a very specific purpose. Obsessing is one thing which can happen but Im not talking about that.  I may be obsessing.
    But as I said before.. this is Common language between males. I just don't always agree with it. I think it reflects some deep unconsciousness in the human psyche between male, female and child... I see it as somewhat of a violent communication that has just become common in our society. Also slave-protector mindset. There is also 'victim' mindset thing, which IMO many just use as an excuse to not be empathic anymore with people going through hard times. That's more like a new age fallacy, positivity vs negativty is same as dualistic thinking oftentimes. When you're judging the "negative" and being "negative" about it who's really being "negative?"
    Ok, I'm done also... I know much of the stuff I post is kind of Extreme. I understand.
  15. #35 Non, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
    If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Im not exactly in the best shape right now.
    I have to disagree addiction implies a chemical need for the drug to remain in homeostasis. Dependency is when you are mentally dependent on a substance to feel normal.
  17. #37 Non, Jun 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2013
    IMO marijuana can have varying degrees of addictivness or dependence. I think it's a misconception that marijuana has absoltuely no side effects, no addictveness or dependency factor, no physical symptoms or withdrawals etc.
    I'm not sure of the exactness. I actually got these definitions of "addictiveness" and 'dependency' factor from someone else. Basically the idea is that addictiveness is the impulse to keep doing it for Pleasure, and dependency is impulse to keep doing it to avoid displeasure. So one is to keep one 'positive' and the other is to avoid 'negatives'.
    Physical symptoms has been documented for sure, and it is consistent. A lot of that too, can led to emotional symptoms.

    Now whether it's because of the Corruption or that Cannabis is meant to be that way (or even if just smoked? or smoked enough?) I do not know.
    IMO some people dont notice any effects either because they weren't paying attention or they had other health habits like eating, exercising, healthy sex and/or social life etc. Also maybe they weren't abusing it. Abuse for some people might not be abuse for others. Some people don't smoke all that much yet smoke daily, some people know when to stop some don't. etc. But abuse it and esp. over long periods of time and there are consequences...
  18. Well first of all back to OP's post since it's his thread...Kinda got into a personal argument between two people in here judging from posts.
    Anyway, I feel you OP. I've been through a lot of the same shit. It's fucking rough man, I'm not about to say that it's all behind me but there's definite improvement in my life. I went through a period where I missed blazing all the time, but it wasn't just because of pot. The pot-smoking had sort of defined a period in my life when things were promising and golden, and I had mistakenly assumed that it was the pot that made it promising and golden. It wasn't, not at all, not even close, no, no, no, no, NO man. You're probably going to have to come to that realization yourself because I know that for those few months I couldn't get myself to see reason and think of it another way, but I got there. Things are better now. I dropped pot, focused on other, much more important aspects of my life. Now, what seems like about half a year later, things are promising and golden again, but not because of pot. Because I've got my girl, I've got my friends, my own place, my freedom, my health, my mind, all of these wonderful things that don't rely on you smoking weed AT ALL. You can't let weed control you man, can't let it become who you are because then when it's taken away, you're stripped of everything that made you, you. So OP, what I'm trying to say is, and one poster said something very much like this (I would give credit but I won't pretend to remember the name and I'm deadbeat tired anyway) but you should try to slow down your progress-driven persona. Look around, find out what is going on, find out what is negatively impacting your life, and do everything you possibly can to rid yourself of that plaguing element and then substitute it with something positive and reinforcing to your independant self. That's what's important, that's what you've gotta do, and if you do that enough, you'll come out on top. It takes time, patience, and a few breakdowns though. Or at least that's what I went through for seemingly forever/am finally getting out of. Best of luck, OP.
  19. I was just trying to see if anyone else had this problem.

    I never claimed to be addicted to weed. I said life overwhelms me when im not high. Im not saying i need weed. I have been smoking for 10 years. I used to quit all the time.

    Im not ready to quit right now. I know its wrong to abuse bud. But its better than being all emotional
  20. Yo, you should go to a shrink. They can help you work through all the bullshit and if you need meds other than cannabis, they can help you get them.
    That said, I've found that pharmaceuticals are mostly harmful in the long term. It's better to have good people to talk to (therapist, teacher, family, friends, whatever) and a little weed imo.

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