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If History Repeats Itself...

Discussion in 'General' started by flightlessfeather, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Then where do you think we are? 50s? 60s? Maybe 80s?

    They say the more thinfo change, the more they stay the same.

    In relation to current events..

    Let's hear your opinions...
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  2. Depending on who wins this election, we may go back to the era of Nazi Germany.
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  3. Thank fuck im a protestant then lol

    Sent from my SM-T210 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
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  4. History must be viewed with a very long lens, from many perspectives. Events of great triumph for one group of peoples, has meant great tragedy and ruin for another. It is our folly that repeats itself.

    We have, at this point in history, perhaps the greatest opportunity we've ever had to advance our species. We have the tools now to cut through the shroud of bullshit that is fed to us by our masters. We as individuals can now speak directly to the people we've been told are our enemies, and see that they are the same. We now know how to change our natural environment in a positive way, and even reverse much of the damage those before us created. Every basic need of every person on this pretty blue and green rock could be met, and much more.

    But I have no hope that we will be able to look past our own greed, self-importance, and self-righteousness to do these things though. Our folly has been the most reliable constant, and we revel in it.
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  5. Go back to school. My god
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  6. Then you're a part of the problem.
    I have faith that were approaching a MAJOR paradigm shift.
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  7. Yes? You called?
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  8. [​IMG]
    ...On topic; things are better, but not as good as they should be, and that will likely not happen in your lifetime...Or ever, possibly.:coolalt:
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